Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Having Love

What we all need is love.  Our number one
purpose is to love God. Our second purpose
should be to love others. 

Including loving others who don't love
us. Jesus Christ said to love our enemies.
I think the meaning is those who are
not in our circles of friends.  There could
be ones that do hate us for who we are
or what we represent. 

We might think that people not looking
at us or give us attention when we say
hello or wave. Some people might be
focused somewhere else than us. W
might go back to remembering our
childhood where we  were not
acknowledged by the popular kids 
or we thought they were.

The point is we should love others
whether they love us in return. Our
lives will feel much that way. It does
not mean they are active members
of our lives or we trust them. We love
them anyway. ♥♥♥♥

Monday, October 14, 2024

Being Unique

Everyone of us is unique. Not only
how we look but our character, 
personality, talents and gifts.

We may have someone who looks
similar to us since can be mistaken
for someone else. Even so that other 
person won't have the exact same
character as we do. The same goes
for all the traits.

It is important to spend time around
people that are similar to us and those
who have differences too. It all works
out since we need each other.

Often people like to spend time with
those who have similar interests. I
like to spend time with someone who
enjoys baseball which happens to be
my favorite sport. They may or may not
see baseball the same way I do or they
have a different team however they 
would be a joy to be around. I don't
have an opportunity to do so very often.

It would be nice to seek out others who
have different interests as I do. I may
begin to like what they enjoy or at least
get a perspective it.

Meeting others we can find those who
can receive our gifts and talents. We
can mentor them or tutor those who
have a weakness in the area we have
a talent in. They may want to get better
at what we are strong in. They may never 
reach the same level we are at however
have enjoyment in it.  ♥♥♥♥

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The First Step

When it comes to our life purpose  is  
to begin with what we know. 

This is when we discover our purpose
or we want to get back to it if we 
haven't  done it for a while.

What we know is what is important  to  
us and we are very good at it too. God
gave us tge gifts and talents to live a
successful life and the most important 
thing is to help others.

I know that I am big on lists so again
you can make a list of what is important 
to you. The  first on the list should be
God and family.  Friends and those you
work with be next. Naming all those 
things you are good at and are important. 

We can share all these important things
with family, friends and co-workers.  
These can be those on the list that has
nothing to do with that are the very top
of the list since you are sharing  them

Those at the top  of  the  list you can
share with new people. Those you
may meet. Often the top of the list
is what you do for work or do regular 
outside of work. You might be part
of a group  or organization.  In these
two areas you will likely  meet new
people on a regular basis. They are
the ones you will now influence as
part of your purpose. 

We don't  always  have  to  go out
of our way to meet  new people. 
It generally  happens in our daily
lives.  You feel that  you may have
more time to know more people 
then you can find a cause that is
important  to  you.  They may be
something  you already do or not.
All leads to more opportunities. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Discipling Others

Jesus Christ sent out his 12 disciples
and many others in the book of Acts
to spread the Gospel through the
known world at the the time.

The Christian church should be doing
the same today. Discipling is to teach
new believers. Other religions follow 
the same way as well. It is a good sales 
tactic as well.  We can be very successful
in whatever we do going out in pairs.

Depending on what we do we can go in
threes or fours too. Whatever you maybe
selling or teaching a pair is more effective.
When the pair speaks to one or two others
it is not intimidating as more. Some may
feel they have the feeling of lost space.

Whether we discipling,  mentoring or a
tutor it is a way to do our life purpose.
Some may go out on their own however
having support as well helps a lot. There
lots of things we can do when speaking
to others. We can set an example or
teach. It can go by teaching someone
to read or learn a language or playing 
an instrument or a sport. This is a good 
way to spend time in your community
and make others feel better.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Running the Race

In the New Testament of the Bible  there 
is scriptures on running the race and in
end finishing across  the finish line. 

Hebrews 12:2  speaks of running a good
race. A race with perseverance, the race 
marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.

The race marked out for us sounds like
our purpose  in my mind. In 1 Corinthians 
9: 24 says that only one will win the prize.
We must run as the one who will win the 

Olympic  games  the participants  are all
after winning the gold medal. In each
event only one will receive the gold medal.
We should all work toward winning the 
gold medal and whatever that is in our life.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

What We Want To Do Best

Doing our best in life is what most of
us would like to do.

Going along with the best is doing
what we  enjoy at the same time.
We are very blessed  doing both.

Sometimes  we have to do what we 
may not want  to as well.  We do our
best under these circumstances  too.

Things can get in the way as well.
Generally  that is iur health or the
health  of someone  close to us.
In these trying times we have to 

Wherever  your live is right now
do the best you can do. Wait for
doors  and new opportunities to
come along.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Being Ambitious

Some people  may definitely knowing  your
purpose  as being ambitious.  I  can see 
there are those can  see it this way. May
even be successful  by being ambitious. 

The key is not how successful  we are by
numbers but how many are being affected 
by our purpose.  

Our ambition  may go a long way however
how real we are is more effective. I  figure
if one person  makes a life change here I
am really  happy. I truly  believe  there are
more though I  don't  know what they are.

Knowing you are sincere is very effective. 
These days a lot of those are leading lives
much different though they likely living a
good  purpose  in life and not be happy. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Meeting People

I know in this day and age not everyone
wants to meet other people though I enjoy
doing so.

I figure it is part of my purpose although
I sometimes find it stop talking when 
people need to go for other things.
I am learning to do better though.

For me I am easy to talk to others
including those I don't know or not
talk to very frequently.

Since much of the conversation is 
during the day at a coffee shop or
grocery store after being at the gym
people do have fascinating lives.

At the coffee shop some of them
are working remotely. In some
cases far away from their employer.
What they do can be interesting.

I recommend speaking to others
even if it hard to do. I know that
I would like others to talk to me
though I am usually the one speaking
first. Finding out what they do and
share their life makes it enjoying. Sometimes I do talk  about my family however it is better to engage about there's. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

This Sunday

I was able to minister to two people
on their life purpose and what their
purpose actually is. Along with that
is to pray for them to what is causing
them from being unable to do their
purpose at the highest level.

Let you not only doing this not only
excites me at the same time I am
not close my highest level either.
I have issues and the enemy tries
to side tract me too. 

Are you still not sure  your purpose.
What you are doing for much of it
is your purpose. Your likes and your
hobbies are included too. I have 
mentioned before go ask others
what they believe is your purpose.

For some it is easy to talk with
others while for others it is more
difficult to do. It is important we 
all speak to others however getting
there can take some time.

Though I am an extrovert it did take 
me time to get there as well. Now I
am able go speak to others more
comfortable. It doesn't mean we have
to talk for a while we can speak for
two or three minutes to begin.  

Everyone is busy so speaking for
a while can be a challenge. Talking
two or three minutes mean others
that someone else do care and that
is the main reason.

So begin slowly if you have too. Overtime
we will get better at it. The place to
go is the marketplace where a lot of
people are at. Begin with hello and how
are you. Yes some won't want to speak
back but that is OK as well. Knowing you
care about them is the main thing.

I hope in the future to travel more and
meet with others. I hope to meet you
where you are at.  So do what you can.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Different Aspects To Our Purpose

We each have different aspects to
the purpose God has given us. We
have daily things to do while others 
happen in occasion whether it is
once a week or so. 

Your job and family would be part
of your daily purpose in a way posting
here is for me. Your purpose might
be different on the other days. You
might get together with others on a
weekly basis or every other week 
depending when they are scheduled.
The importance is being ready for
every day for what purpose comes

We have to look at past experiences to.see what may help in the future. Today is the most time for our purpose since it is where 
we are at right now.  We plan for tomorrow
for tomorrow and weeks ahead although
we don't know how long we will be here.
It is good to pray about it as well.

May your purpose be right in line for
today.  ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Knowing Ourselves

An important  part  of  our purpose  is 
knowing  ourselves a lot. Loving us
to is a key ingredient.  I  am sure 
we can't  love ourselves  as  much
as God does  however it helps.

Knowing  what what our gifts and
talents  along with using them. It
is important  to  know our weaknesses 
and strengths. Over time we can
get better on our weak points. 

It is possible  that the more we use
our gits and talents that  one or
more God may give a weakness a
gift. He wants to give us our heart 
desire and a weakness might be 
one of those even if we have given
up on it. So keep  at it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, October 4, 2024

Having Compassion

Compassion is a gift of the Holy Spirit. 
This came to my mind when writing on
passion since it the route word for it.

Having the gift of compassion would 
mean it would come upon  you when 
meeting  an individual.  It could be in
a public setting  or in group situation.

This person could be someone you 
know or you have met for the first 
time. Compassion  for the person
may come on you because  they 
are in a tough situation  or have an
illness  where you end up praying 
for them to get well.  This could be
a time showing God's  love for them 

Most likely  the person  giving the 
compassion is used in this manner
more often than the average  person. 
It doesn't  mean  you may give it on
some rare occasions as well. This 
gift is so important  in this age we 
are in and the spiritual attacks we 
might be in. 

The person might have sin that they 
don't  know to get rid and feels very 
guilty and condemned  at the same 
time.  Be opened to this gift your 
purpose  could save their life.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Continue On Passion

Now that we have thought about our
passions and wrote a list of them how
often do we actually  involved in them.

I am sure we are involved in most of
them on a daily basis. Those are not 
the question  is  why not.  I  expect 
the answer is not having enough time.

This is the case not having enough time
is being involved in a few of the passions
to some degree along with  work and
raising the family. 

This is the case than an idea is to do one
of your passions  you haven't  done in a
while on the weekend.  Take a different 
one on a weekend.  You can have your
family take part. One of my father's 
passions was sailing. We were involved
in it for a lot of it. Some weekends he
was in sailboat  races and we would go
along sometimes.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️