Friday, January 17, 2025

Gratitude And Encouragement

Gratitude  and  encouragement is a 
good  path to walk on at all times.

We will feel  better when we have
gratitude and to encourage others
as well.  We will be in a good positive 

Most likely  when we do these two 
things we will receive  encouragement 
from others as well. 

Like I  have said before we are not
here for a purpose but to receive 
from others as well. We will have
a loving and positive  life.

God gave us these things for the
love he has for us and our purpose 
to pass onto others. It can become
easy to get on the wrong path
however this is a good one to
walk on. May you walk it gently 
and firm. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, January 16, 2025

It Takes Two

When it comes to any relationship 
it takes two to have success.

This doesn't  matter whether it 
is in marriage or friends or

No one is going to agree all the
time however it may take one
or both yield to their will. How
important  are you to each other.

In a marriage  it is usually  more 
than the two of you. There are
children involved in many cases.
Our purpose  is  to  love and care
for another. It is important  to
remember  why you got together
in the first place. So yield to the
other especially  if  you  think that
you are right. 

Another thing is to listen to one
another. Yes misunderstandings 
do happen.  Apologize and forgive
when the opportunity arises.

This sound advice in any relationship 
even beyond marriage. May you have
a good day and honor others. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Having Wisdom

One of the gifts of the spirit  is  Wisdom. 

We can be very smart in the ways of
the world however true wisdom is
what we should seek.

In Proverbs 2 Solomon says fear of
the Lord is the beginning  of  Wisdom.

This doesn't  mean you have to shake
in your boots about fear of God. He is
a loving God and he loves you very much.

In the words of Solomon about fear is
the beginning  of  wisdom means we
need to have respect for God.

The wisdom God  gives us will help
others in the time of need. This will
answer whatever questions you may
have. It is beyond what our minds 
can think. If I  give you a word of 
wisdom in this manner means that
I  am  giving a word that does not
come from me since I  am not capable 
of doing so on my own.

We all have questions  that can't  be 
answered in our thinking. An example 
is why would God allow something 
like the fires in Los Angeles.  The closest 
I  can get is that someone lit the fires
in Los Angeles  and  there is consequences 
in this regard. Unfortunately  lives were
lost to people  who  had nothing to do
with the fires being lit. The same goes
for those who lost their homes. The best
thing we can do is to call out to God for
help. The  pride of some people  will not
allow to cry out to God no matter how bad.
I  know that may sound insensitive but it
is true. 

The best we can do is to cry out to God
on the behalf of others who might not be
able to for whatever reason.  We have to
ask forgiveness  in ourselves  and  those
who caused the fires. We must ask for
mercy and grace. Have our sins be forgiven

May you ask for Wisdom when the opportunity 
that you need and find someone who has the
gift of wisdom. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Being A Mentor

One of the great things we can do 
with our purpose  is  being a mentor. 
It not only make a difference  in  a 
life of someone else but in ours too.

My nephew  Ken became a mentor
about  three years ago for a middle 
school  young man who was having
some trouble  in school with bullying 
among other things.

The young man has had trouble in
math as well  so  Ken has worked 
with him on that too. Also the young
man his mother is a single  mother.
In some ways the three of them have
become a family  too. 

Since then Ken has mentored two
other young people who is friends
with the first young man. So now
Ken is making a difference  with
them and I am sure  their parents
appreciate what Ken is doing.

We could say that Ken is not only
a mentor  he is a father figure in
a way too. Ken doesn't have  any 
children of his own however it
is a success story  I figure.

We can all begin in small ways
to be a mentor.  Parents should
never feel bad to get  help for
their children where a man or
woman can help them. This is
true of someone who doesn't 
have children of their own that
can be of help.

May you open up to be a mentor 
or be mentored. Our age doesn't 
matter. Amen. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Influence Others

Our purpose should be to encourage
others. Another is to influence people
whenever we can.

Our purpose should never influence
others about us but to make a better

The greatest leaders were never 
about themselves but to train
those under their leadership.

The best influence will turn others
into being the best person they can
be and turn around being an influence
as well. This means the world will
become a better place with influence
being multiplied over and over again.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

We are Capable

We are all capable to do great
things. Those who have done
great things have the mindset
to do so and haven't allowed 
others to stand in the way.

Look at those who were explorers.
They went out and seeked new lands
and continents though others said
it was impossible. Some may have
not succeeded however they paved
a way for others to do so. This
should be our mindset as well.

Our talents and gifts allow us to
do so. The importance is not to
compare ourselves to others and
pave our own way. May you have
success in what you do and your
purpose. Don't let others stop you.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Children Are Wonderful

We worry about our children however
many of them have a high destiny
and purpose.

We must have the faith that they
will be fine and pray for them.
It is important that they fulfill
their purpose. If you know the
purpose of your children and
grandchildren to speak encour-
agement along with safety.

I amazed even the very young
children can be focused if they
know what their life is expected.
Even those who are not yours
lift them up as well. Teach them
when the chance arises.

Making Others Feel Better

Another area of  our life purpose is
making others feel  better  about

This will allow us to feel  better as
well and have a fulfilling  life.

Every  day we should be excited to
know what will happen  wherever 
we go.  It is important to know
more each day too. Not only about
our purpose  but of others as well. 

It is good to let others know what
there purpose  is to. It can actually 
change  their life.

May you have peace and blessing
today. If you are not feeling well I
pray that Jesus Christ  will heal you
and that your life will again be
productive. Amen!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Many Ways Of Doing Our Purpose

Our purpose can have many ways
of going. We have our personal
purpose along with our job or

Some people travel for work and
that can be satisfying though lonely
at times. It is a sacrifice when they
are away from family. Often they
have to spend a long vacation
with family when time is right.

Those who are in the military 
know the feeling when the husband
or wife are sent away when they
are serving their country. It is
a cost for sure.

Even personal purpose can be 
a sacrifice as well.  We have to
decide what is the better good.

For those who are away from
loved ones we say thank you
so much. May your reward
really happen for you..♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Our Purpose

We are unique  so how our purpose 
is different  with each of us.

You and I  may have some of the 
same gifts and talents however  
we show it is different.

We each have a community of
friends to show not only our
purpose  to receive back from
them. We need to be open to
others as well. 

Today let's  see  what other people's
purpose  is and what we can benefit 
from them. 

In the old Testament David had a 
close friend in Jonathan the son
of King Saul. Jonathan  knew that
his father was out to kill David
because Saul knew that David
was going to become King of
Israel in his place. Jonathan 
was beside and supported him
until he died along side of his
father. After Jonathan's death
David took care of his son.

We can learn to have a friend
like Jonathan no matter what
difficult of times we go through.
A major purpose  for  us as well 
to be a close friend to someone. 

So today have a great one and
may your purpose  stretch further 
once again. Amen!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Living With Gratitude

Along with living a life of purpose
it is good to have gratitude as well.

A group of writers I belong to suggest
that we have one word to write about 
for 2025. I decided that to be gratitude.
So whatever I post here be sure gratitude is in here even if the word
isn't written.

Sometimes we can be bitter and
unforgiving without gratitude. This
shouldn't be the way we live. We 
will be someone who doesn't enjoy
life. Obviously we will have times
where life isn't the way we think it
should be. To be honest we are
selfish much of the time and we
need to grasp onto selflessness.

So may your day be filled with
love, gratitude and purpose. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sharing With Children

It doesn't happen often however I 
enjoy sharing with children about
their life purpose. The  ministry
I am part of we share the purpose
of adults and then something that
may cause them from not living
with the purpose at this time.

The children for the most part
haven't gotten to the part of
having issues not to meet their
purpose. Later on they can receive
prayer for not getting to the point
of their purpose.

Personally I enjoy giving out what
I feel is someone's purpose. Though
it is important to deal with the areas
that keep them to accomplish
everything in their purpose it is
satisfying to share their purpose.

If you are good at hearing from God
you can do the same. Although it
is good to be part of a team you can
do it on your own as well. I have done
it a few times I hope to do so more
in the future. May you be blessed
this week. ♥♥♥♥

The Year On The Way

Though 2025 is only a few days
in however I hope that you have 
accomplished at least one task

Remember our purpose should
be happening each day. Actually 
it is since we are our purpose 

Never forget that your spouse and children are the most important
purpose you have. Sometimes
people forget that since they think
about a higher calling or purpose.
They are a part of the higher
calling is the answer. Encourage
them in their purpose too.

May you have a wonderful weekend
and may next week be good too.