One of the gifts of the spirit is Wisdom.
We can be very smart in the ways of
the world however true wisdom is
what we should seek.
In Proverbs 2 Solomon says fear of
the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.
This doesn't mean you have to shake
in your boots about fear of God. He is
a loving God and he loves you very much.
In the words of Solomon about fear is
the beginning of wisdom means we
need to have respect for God.
The wisdom God gives us will help
others in the time of need. This will
answer whatever questions you may
have. It is beyond what our minds
can think. If I give you a word of
wisdom in this manner means that
I am giving a word that does not
come from me since I am not capable
of doing so on my own.
We all have questions that can't be
answered in our thinking. An example
is why would God allow something
like the fires in Los Angeles. The closest
I can get is that someone lit the fires
in Los Angeles and there is consequences
in this regard. Unfortunately lives were
lost to people who had nothing to do
with the fires being lit. The same goes
for those who lost their homes. The best
thing we can do is to call out to God for
help. The pride of some people will not
allow to cry out to God no matter how bad.
I know that may sound insensitive but it
is true.
The best we can do is to cry out to God
on the behalf of others who might not be
able to for whatever reason. We have to
ask forgiveness in ourselves and those
who caused the fires. We must ask for
mercy and grace. Have our sins be forgiven
May you ask for Wisdom when the opportunity
that you need and find someone who has the
gift of wisdom. ❤️❤️❤️❤️