Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Being Friendly

We are uniquely made so it means not
only we are one of a kind so are everyone

This means we should respect each others
differences. Most people spend time with
those like them. There are others with 
similar looks and interests but still comes
down to we are unique.

We should be friendly to all. This includes
those who may consider us enemies or at
the very least are not friendly to us.

With kindness and a smile on our face
we maybe able to win a person over to
our side. We won't be able to for all,
however, we should give one hundred
percent effort. 

We all make mistakes as well so we 
should give each person the chance
to change as we hope others will do
for us as well. Amen!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Cooling Down

The last four days has certainly been a
heat wave. Nothing like it in my life

The previous high was 93 degrees 
however it was shattered all four days
beginning on Friday about 103 then
going up to 113 on Monday. Now 
expected to be just under 93 Tuesday
then go down to more normal in the

I had never been in temperatures in
three digits before, however, it is 
nice to know I can survive though
I wouldn't want to stay there long.
I spent most of my time indoors.

Monday evening talking to someone
I could really feel the heat looking into
the sun then turned away could see
a difference of a few degrees.

It was quite interesting to find out on 
Monday morning on local television
a heat wave like this happens every
thousand years.  I hope they are right.
If not, do we blame it on global warming?

I will let others debate on global warming.
I would say it is not part of my life purpose.
We all have a purpose which is unique to
us. So what one person finds important may
not be the same for another. Amen!

Monday, June 28, 2021

Life =Purpose

Right at the top of our purpose is our life.
Life equals our purpose. I guess it is as
simple as that.

As a Christian we were created to worship,
praise, and pray to God. We each have
functions known as gifts and talents to
use as well to help out our fellow man.

A good part of prayer is to ask God what
does he have for me to do today beyond
prayer and worship. Ask God to bring 
someone into my life today to help them
as well as help me. 

When it comes to life purpose other 
people are here for us as well as we
are for them. 

You want to study of life purpose you
can do a search life purpose or looking
at life purpose. You will find multiple
sites besides this one. You have to be
careful though especially if you are 
looking at it through other than Christian

I am not saying that sites that are not
Christian based can't help you but they
are in many cases looking at it through
other sources. This is especially true
if they are religious based. 

Have yourself a wonderful day using
your purpose. May at the end of the
day you can say well done. Amen!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Dealing With The Heat

When it comes to our lives I guess at
some point you have to deal with heat.
I thought I wouldn't have to in Western
Washington, however, this weekend it
is not the case.

For the first time we have temperatures
in double digits. We were asked to stay
indoors for the most part because of the
heat and drink water. 

I spent most of my time indoors going 
out once when it was at the highest point,
however, I wasn't out for very long. I
went to my favorite coffee shop which
has air conditioning. I don't have air
conditioning in my place though I do
have a fan which I turned on in the 
middle of the night. Also, I have the
sliding door open for few hours before
the temperatures start rising once again.

It is amazing to have to make adjustments
to our lives under trying circumstances.
Not only heat but for health as well. I 
hope people were careful, however, I 
am sure the hospitals had some people
who couldn't handle the heat and decided
to go out anyway. 

Tuesday the temperatures are supposed 
to decrease back down to normal for 
a time until next weekend when have
double digits happen again. Not as high
as Monday fortunately. 

I wonder if we will have temperatures
like this the rest of the summer or just
for these two weeks. Time will tell
we will see. I was hoping for a family
reunion on July 4th, however, not having
this year. This reunion would have been
mostly second cousins. I look forward
to the reunion next year instead.

I am sure we will all cope with the 
changes whether long or short. All
we must do. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

A Heat Wave

Over the next three days it is expected
to be very high temperatures here in
Western Washington.

In fact going to break records by a 
good margin. Saturday is expected
to be 103 degrees which is ten higher
then it has ever been here before.

On Sunday a little bit hotter then on
Monday it is expected to be 111 degrees
depending where you are at. Monday
it will break that day's record by twenty

This certainly be different for me that
is for sure. I have never been in this
kind of heat before. I will be spending
as much time indoors as possible.

It will bring thoughts of what life will
be like and be something to remember
for sure. 

Please pray for us all especially those
with health issues. I will try to find the
coolest spot I can for each day. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Your Life Story

On Thursday afternoon came to my
mind it would be nice for anyone of
you who would like to write your
life purpose and when it came into
your life.

The impact life purpose made on
your life to you and to others as

You decide to do so submit it in
the comment section. I am sure
I will enjoy it along with others.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

All About Grace

Most of us have heard or sang the
song "Amazing Grace" at least once
in our lives.

What does grace mean. It means
being favored for what we don't

You ask someone who may or 
may not be a Christian why they
deserve to go to heaven or when
you die and God ask you should
be allowed to enter heaven. The
answer you will be from many
who are not Christian or not sure
they are anyway will say "I am 
a good person.

This is what is amazing about
grace none of us is good enough.
You say wait a minute being good
isn't good enough to enter heaven.
Yes. Have you ever lied or told a
half truth anyway. This means 
you have sinned. You can't be a
sinner to enter heaven so God 
made a way for all of us to enter
heaven because we are all sinners.
This may sound harsh but it is 
the truth at the same time. So
he sent his son Jesus Christ down
to earth who was crucified on the
cross to pay for our sin. 

So this is the amazing grace what
Christ did on the cross. So if you
are asked by God why you should
enter heaven you tell him it by his
son Jesus Christ I get to come in.
This is the grace we don't deserve,
however, receive by believing. Amen!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Overcoming Odds

These days living a life of purpose is overcoming
odds. It is easy to be distracted by outside forces.

We are living in a world where life is so busy that
we can be distracted by other things that do not
apply to our life purpose. It isn't as those things
can be important or fun or exciting but they are
not what we were created for.

It is okay to spend time in other things outside
your life purpose but don't let them become
a major force instead. These days the media
has become a major area in which people spend
a lot of time and energy in. Personally I stay 
away from television media as much as I can.

In recent times I don't spend as much time in
social media either.  I primarily look at social
media I feel is part of my life purpose. Most
is in the area of travel. This gives me ideas 
where to go in the future and to know those
who are traveling at this time as well.

I am not saying to stay away from any form
of media because it is important to be informed
but not let it consume you. The media these
days can make it easy to do so. Amen!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Summer Excitement

Having last summer off where many of us
had to stay at home people are now excited
things are opening up in many places.

Some will travel internationally while 
others will see family they may not have
seen for some time.

We all the option or freedom to take
the vaccine or not. The problem though
you likely won't be able to travel out
side the USA or tested and quarantined
before being able to enjoy the travel.

I hope to see my sister and brother along
with family in August. The thought right
now is to go to my sister's; this depends
on going in and out of Canada. 

Now we can get back to as much normal
as we can. I hope you have been able to
do as much of your life purpose as possible
despite the pandemic. Enjoy your summer
and do the best you can. Amen!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Summer and All

It is hard to believe it is summer already.
Like we know time flies when your having
fun or getting older! lol

Hard to believe the year is almost half
over as well. The question is where does
the time go.

We are expecting here on Monday the
temperature to reach 91 degrees. Hard 
to believe until a few years ago we 
never had the temperatures get into 
the nineties at all.

I would prefer 81 degrees myself if
not 71 degrees. I am glad the sun is
out though I have to be careful too.
I try to find the shade after a bit

I hope  you all have a great summer
day unless you live where winter
just began and best for it as well.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Circle of Friends

We all have friends whether close
or not. I call them circle of friends.
They can be family as well. In fact
some friends are closer than family.

Whether it is Sunday or Monday
thru Saturday we should take the
time whether short or long to pray
for them. Let God lead their lives
and be close to them along with
keeping them in good health. Amen!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

It Does Take Determination

I am looking to change my diet and
lose some weight. I know it will take
some time, however, it will work in
the long run.

I took salt out of my diet for the most
part several years ago so I know this
is possible as well as long as I have
determination and have sense at the
same time.

Friday we had our family zoom meeting
and we could see my sister lost a lot of
weight from getting sick along with
having to go through surgery.  She is
determined to keep the weight off. Of
course, to do so she has to change her
diet as well. 

I am sure we can all do things we do
not realize we can as long as we have
determination and the will to do it.

Whatever you want to change in your
life I wish the best for you. I will pray
for you and ask you to do the same
for me. Amen!

Friday, June 18, 2021

What Day Is This?

We all know this Friday unless you 
live where the time is 24 hours ahead
of me. What I am mentioning is 
everyday seems to be a day that
is made up. I am not sure what today 
is and usually don't find out until later.

Often I will find out the next day 
when someone posts something like 
it is twins day or funny grandmother 
day something like that.

I figure if I did find out early enough
in the day and I fit into the category 
it would be a good way to use my 
life purpose. So  whatever today is 
or you make one up use for your life 
purpose. What do you think?

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Change of Weather

I am sure not many will complain
about the change of weather. We
were expecting rain for the next
few days; however, has changed
to no rain with temperatures in the
seventies and eighties.

There will be days with clouds but
as I say anytime we see the sun it
is a good day.

Our lives anytime we hear about
good news makes it great. This is
especially true when our health 

Many blessings to you and great
health. May today be a joy. Amen!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Lifestyle Changes

On Tuesday I had a in home visit nurse
from my health insurance company. I
had a physical and mental examination.
It went well though like many I will
have to take make lifestyle changes.

Making lifestyle changes will not be
easy task as those who have gone 
through it know. One thing for sure
God wants us to be in good health
physically and mentally to help his
kingdom come and live our life of

As far as physical I will have to 
change my eating habits to go along
with exercise. My eating habits will
come down to not eating as often
well as the right foods. 

Mentally I feel in good shape however
important to continue that way by 
fighting the good fight. I will spend 
more time meditating and in prayer.
Reading scriptures to lift me up.
To know who I am in Christ. Amen!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Thoughts of the day

 We were created for a purpose

To worship and honor God most of all

Our purpose is unique to us

No one else has the same purpose

We can choose to do our purpose or not

We will likely not be happy if we choose
not too.

Our purpose is bigger than we know

Act on it today in whatever manner you know

Monday, June 14, 2021

Looking Toward This Week

Here we are its Monday so what are
we looking forward to this week. We
should take each day at a time. Life
is too short to look forward.

We should begin Monday by loving one
another. Jesus Christ said his Kingdom
will come by forgiveness and love. 

None of us does it right we are not
perfect by any means. If you are 
perfect then you have the right to
throw the first stone but we are not.

People will think highly of you if
what you do is showing love and
not judgment.  Ok they may sin
in a fashion you don't believe in.
So what again life is too short.
You don't have to agree in their
lifestyle but love anyway. Amen!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Summer Coming Soon

Like you hear in some of the old
movies "read all about it summer
is coming soon".

Not exactly however I am sure 
you understand what I am saying.
Summer is arriving in just over a
week. Here in Western Washington
we are expecting a good rainfall
going into summer. Most likely
we will have some rain into the
end of June and early July. 

The temperatures will be summer
like but still rain will come. We
expecting Sunday to get a lot of
rain. Our rainfall already is more
than what we had in April or May
for June. We are right about half
the rain we get for the year so we
should be about the average this
year too. 

I know many here are looking 
forward to everything opening 
up once again. Here in Washington
everything is expected to open
except gatherings over ten thousand
indoors are expected to wear masks
and social distance. 

Though most people will look 
forward to taking off their masks
for most occasions I am sure we
will still see some still going around
wearing their masks. Those with
health risks I understand the rest
I shake my head. The most important
thing though we are able to make
the choice ourselves which is a 
good thing and should have been
done some time ago. Amen!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

When You Struggle

When you struggle my advice is stop
take a deep breath then move on. Do
so as many times as you can.

Struggle usually happens when you
are playing a sport or hiking. There
are other times we can struggle too.

This is my advice for today. We all
have to overcome things on occasion.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Being Private

This morning I woke up having a dream
where someone was nagging me about
a friend and where they live. I told them
that it is not my business to give out this

The truth is some people are more private
about their lives then others. Some don't
want to give out their information at all.
We should respect people when they tell
us they are private.

When you pray or counsel or even just
talk with something they need to know
what they tell you others won't know
be told to others. We have to be  in total
confidence. I know none of us want to
have private business spread around that
is for sure. In other words let's respect
one another. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Getting Back To Normal

Now we are into the 15th month of the
pandemic it is nice to see things starting
to get back to normal.

I know for some normal will never be
the same for sure. For the rest of us we
need to do the best we can to do so.

I know there are some who have stayed
the course the same way. I tried to do 
that being as normal as possible. With 
the loss of my mother on March 6, 2020
it wasn't so easy. Not that I didn't want 
to the government for one thing did not
allow me too. 

I hope the opening of the border comes
soon as it is reported so I can see my 
sister from Quebec along with at least
one of her two sons. Also, I hope my
brother and his family can come this 
way from Virginia, St. Louis and New

We need to put our mother's urns next
to our father. I know my sister doesn't
want anything  left by our mother except
what she has already taken. I still have
some china my sister-in-law and niece
would like to have. The rest would be
sold or given away. I have a couple China
cabinets and a few other things to sell or
give away too. Not counting books mom

Life has been good despite all this during
the last 15 months, however, time to move
on as well. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Living With A Purpose

We should be excited and feel blessed for
having a life of purpose. Not everyone knows
or feels that way.

It isn't like we feel this way everyday
when circumstances come in. On Monday 
afternoon I had a pneumonia  shot. Boy
has it made me tired well as soar in the

On Tuesday I did go to the coffee shop
and see friends and those who are there
on a regular basis. I know to I did the
life purpose for which I am there for.
I learned a lot in the process too.

I went out for a walk after the coffee
shop seeing other people along the
trial. I said hello and smiled. I figure
there is purpose in that as well. What
fruit happens I have no idea at this 
point but I am doing what I expect
to do.

When I got home I had some plans to
do but never got to them. I thought
about it but that is all. I was tired so
I spent most of the afternoon sleeping.
I guess the shot put me down. I hope
the same doesn't happen today.

What I want to do is get going on my
five-year plan of travel. I did see on-line
news Canada is looking to open the border
to those who are vaccinated. Very good
news so maybe I can see my sister and
nephews come soon from Canada along
with my brother's family from Virginia.
We have to lay my mother urns to rest next
to our father. Also, means I can go visit
cousins in Canada as well. The timing
will depend on them of course.

Having a plan is the place to start. The
plan can change but starting the plan
is step number one. I hope to visit the 
whole USA I haven't been to before 
and return to other places to. This
goes for Canada as well. Depending
on things other parts of the world too.
I will have to setup a budget for all
to happen as well. 

Our life purpose should include going
places. Though where we live is our
main purpose I know God wants us
to effect the whole world so let's get
started. Amen!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Living Now

Often we think about the past or look
toward the future besides living for

The positive about the past is remember
those things that are good and to learn
from those that were not so good. 

The future is to look forward what 
might happen, however, at the same
time we have to live now.

I would love to start traveling beginning
this year. I figured this morning to start
a five year plan. I live on the west coast
so I have seen most of it though been
a while for some places. I have been to
the east coast though been several years
as well. 

The south and the Midwest I haven't 
been to at all so they will be part of
the five year plan. I figure both are 
hot so I will go in either the spring
or fall. 

I have to figure my budget well as
how long I will stay too. I look
forward to bringing you with me.
So live today while looking forward
to tomorrow. Amen!

Monday, June 7, 2021

Who We Are

It is important to remind ourselves often
who we are.

We are blessed if we know people that
encourages us by telling who we are as

Much of the time we are told who we
really are not. Whether it is by other
people or in our minds. 

Spend time with people who will
reinforce you. Those who truly 
believe in you. I would call them
God's people. God knows who you
are and these people do as well. Amen!

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Hello Sunday

For many the tradition on Sunday is going
to church. For me it is the same. The importance
besides worshiping God on Sunday is to
be energized for the rest of the week.

Things happen throughout the week we need
to be energized on Sunday to help us to be
the best we can be. I am not sure everyone
looks at it that way it is true though. I am 
not sure I even think about it this way.

The devil is out to destroy us on a daily
basis so we need the strength to make it
through every day. A good thing to do 
on Sunday morning to ask God to give
us the strength. Actually it is more than
on Sunday we should ask for strength 
each and everyday. Today being Sunday
is a good place to start though. Amen!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

What We Would Like To See Different

Usually when we are in conversation with
others we talk about how we would like to
have life or the world or politics or religion
to be different.

Often these conversations are meaningless
if we speak with someone who has a different
opinion the we do. Why it is better to talk
to someone who is more like minded.

My question to talk about it does really
change anything at all. Though it sounds 
good most likely doesn't at all though 
talking positive is better than nothing or
negative for sure.

What we really need to do is go out and
change the world. For most of us there 
isn't a lot we can do to change the world,
however, we can one step at a time. 

Having a positive life can help change
others in a way we may not realize at 

This week I am listening to others. Find
out what they have to say. Some people
I think don't really care what I think 
anyway.  At least those in my daily life
away from here anyway.

It is OK because I am used to it. Not 
that I like it a whole lot but that is what
it is for sure. 

So what I must do is throw in some
positive words here and there to see
if people change. Who knows I might
be surprised.

Whether people listen to you or like
me not as much it is ok all you can
do is your very best. Amen! 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Having Patience

I figure anyone is good at having
patience has to be an extraordinary
person too. Not always an easy
thing to have that is for sure.

I am not sure  patience is considered
a gift however it really should be
in my book. 

Most of the time I have patience but
now and then not so much for sure.

Those who exceed at a sport whether
they played  in high school or even
went further in college and professional
have to be very good at patience.

The two sports you have to be patient
to succeed is baseball and golf. Without
patience in baseball and golf you won't
have success. 

I know hitters who come up to the major
leagues in baseball have to learn to have
patience to hit the ball consistently. You
are facing pitchers throwing almost 100
miles per hour plus having other pitches
that are hard to handle as well.

For the hitter they to wait for the right
ball to hit which is often a mistake made
by the pitcher. Many games the scoring
happens early on because it sometimes
takes the starting pitcher to get into their

I haven't seen a lot of golf or played it
for that matter. I expect the first stroke
is the most important to setup the rest
to put the ball in the hole. When having
success to get the ball on the green it
can be exciting or disappointing putting
it in the hole. The ball can look like it 
will go right in and at the last second
will pop out. 

To learn to have patience going out and
hitting some baseballs or golf balls would
be good exercise. Whether patience is
defined as a gift I certainly think it is. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Cooling Down

June has started out like summer that is
for sure hitting up to 88 degrees on
Tuesday and Wednesday.

Most summers we don't hit that hot
for many days here in Western

Thursday it is going to cool down ten
degrees which more like summer and
how I like the weather. Friday it will
be around 70 degrees then even cooler.

We are expecting rain over the weekend
and into next week. This is more typical
weather for June especially in the early
part of the month. I expect to have summer
type weather again before July hits.

July is always the best month here weather
wise. For visitors it is the best time to
come. Place gets really busy for sure when
comes to tourists.

With a lot of water around us here there is
boating, kayaking, and you can take the
ferry to Seattle from Bremerton and then
further north can go to the San Juan Islands.

South there is the ocean and east can go
to Mt. Rainier and the Cascade mountains
then west to the Olympic Mountains.

On Tuesday I took a trip to Crescent Bay
going West. It is about a 120 mile drive
so about two and half hours I guess. On
this day took a little longer because of a
car accident on the way. 

The Cascades and the Olympics are both
great places to visit. Ocean you can get
to through the Olympics if you like as 

This time of the year when the sun comes
out not a better place to live and enjoy
the scenery well as the people.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Giving Hope To Others

One of the gifts we have is to give
to others. It is  among the top purposes
why we were created.

How it works out will be different
for each of us. The gift for each will
come in a different package and 
delivered differently as well.

We should realize hope is what
makes us live the life we do.
At times we need to give ourselves
a gift as well. Giving hope to us
is good too. Amen!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A Good Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone had a nice good weekend.
Here in USA we celebrated Memorial Day.

On Saturday I visited the home I grew up
in. I was able to talk with the gentleman
who bought the home from my parents back
in 1989. He has done some remodeling though
the outside looks about the same though new
windows and doors. 

He wanted to know more history of the place
and the history of the neighborhood. I gave
him what I do know about it.

Sunday was like it usually going to church
and relaxing the rest of the day along with
going for a walk.

On Monday after going to my favorite coffee
shop I went to the cemetery where my parents,
grandparents and older brother are at.

Interesting four sisters I knew from childhood
were there. Their parents were not far from
my parents. What made it real interesting their
grandparents were our neighbors when I was
growing up. I told them I had been back to the
house. I had thoughts of them visiting their

What a lovely way to spend the weekend. Now
what do I do next. I figure to go a drive today
since it is really going to be a hot wonderful 
day. The rest of the week I have appointments
so Tuesday is the best day to go.