Monday, October 31, 2022

Being Transformed

We all have issues or another name
for it is strongholds.  Things that
keep  us back from being all we can
be in regards to our life purpose. 

One stronghold many of us hold onto
is rejection. The fact is young children 
usually  are rejected at one time or
another or at least they feel  that way. 

A good idea is to talk with  someone 
you trust on any issue  you are dealing 
with right now. I  am  sure  most of us 
have several  strongholds but one at a
time is a good thing.

You can be transformed  by letting go
of the stronghold by forgiving the other
person  or persons.  It doesn't  mean 
they were right or you are allowing them 
off the hook you are actually  letting 
yourself  off the hook and that is a good

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Family and Friends

I find it enjoyable  to  catch up with family 
and friends especially  those you don't 
see often.

Actually  all friends  are good to find out 
what is going on.  This includes  the  ones
you see more than  the rest.

I  enjoy meeting  new  people  as well who
be omes friends  to. I  am  a people person.  
It is good for us all. ❤️❤️

Saturday, October 29, 2022


Have you ever  woke up being 
confused what day it is. I won't 
say it is a regular occurrence 
for me but does happen occasion. 

Not really  sure  what  this means 
however it is interesting.  I  had to 
remember  it is Saturday.  Ow I  can 
go on with my day. 😊😊

Friday, October 28, 2022

Yes Our Life Purpose

You do a search  on life purpose 
you will  find those who might be
so called better  experts than me.

All I  know is God gives us a purpose 
when he created us. It  may take a
while for us to  figure it out. Certainly 
has for me.

My goal is to let you  know and encourage 
you in your life purpose.  We were each 
created as unique  beings. Only you and 
God know your purpose.  There can be 
others to help you discover what it is.

The  truth is your living your life purpose 
right now. Maybe not the fullest but
to some degree.  If  you  have issues
holding you  back  then you should
get help to remove those issues. 

The most important  thing  to  say you
are special and  unique.  Everyone who
meets you  and is in your life to whatever 
degree is part of  your  purpose  as you
are their's.  ❤️❤️😊😊

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Winter Arrival

We had a long summer in Western Washington 
but the winter seemed to  come in with a
bang. Not sure of fall or autumn whichever 
you call it.

The temperatures  haven't  dropped  into the
30s yet but the 40s certainly  make it feel

We have had some rain as well though the
sun has peaked its head some too. It will be 
interesting what kind of winter we have. Will
be what we have been  accustomed to  the
OOk out several years  or be colder or warmer.
We will find out. Lol

Our governor  here in Washington state talks
climate change. Obviously  the  weather has
been hotter than normal and longer summer.
Rain has been normal  for the most part. We
had more rain until  July. So I  expect the rainfall 
to be about the same.

I  am  sure there is concern about climate change
and what to do about it. I  am  not sure  the problem 
applies to Washington state as much as  other states
but still important  to  keep  an eye on it. I  wonder
about electrical cars and whether  everyone will be
able to afford them. The gas companies I am sure
won't  be happy  unless they are going have stock in
electrical cars. We will  see  won't  we.  😊😊

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Create A List

You can take  your time ,however,  create
a list of your natural and spiritual  gifts.  
Leave room so you can add to the lists 
when another one comes to mind.

If you are not sure of your spiritual gifts
you can do a search for spiritual  gifts.  
There are sites that list them. There a few
different  types of spiritual  gifts so you
can list those of yours in one group or
in separate  categories.  You can do
the same for your natural  gifts too. 
It is all  up to you since you are the one 
creating the list.

You can list your  experiences in both
categories  as well. From there you can 
add on more when another experience 
happens. Best to you. 😊😊❤️❤️

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Take A Rest

At times we all need to take a rest
beyond our night sleep and naps.

I had to on Monday.  It could have
been I was to tired or I was  a little 
sick. Either way  I  had to. 

Even God rested on the seventh  day. 
Probably  a good  idea to  do so once
a week.  Just pick a day. 😊😊❤️❤️

Monday, October 24, 2022

Be Available

Whether you are using your
natural or spiritual gifts the 
important thing is to be available. 

We are not to hide our gifts 
but to give to others. Some 
of the gifts we give away freely
because they are so natural
we don't realize it anyway. 
We do have other gifts we should
do the same.

I am not saying we don't give
to others but they work the same way. 

People actually see what we 
are doing even not realize it.
I am sure we do the same 
even if we don't realize it.

Keep up the good work. Others 
are benefiting from you whether
 you realize it or not. 😊😊

Saturday, October 22, 2022

It Happened

Rain was expected  on Friday and  
it happened.  The forecast is for
rain the next week  at least.

Sunday we may have a little  break
it shows. I  hope to  get in some
walking during  the  breaks outside.

There are those who get depressed 
when rain happens  for a while.  The
importance  is find things to do indoors.
Also ask God for his help. Healing
important  in the area of depression 
as well  as the body. ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, October 21, 2022

Learning Something New

I have for so long when
talking to others I talk 
about myself.

Recently I have asked 
people about themselves.
It actually feels good by
the way.

I am sure I have done it before
but not so consistently. People
open up more when you do
ask what is going on.

It isn't as though you don't
have to talk about yourself
it is secondary in conversation.
Other words after they talk 
about themselves you can
add about you. Keep it short 

A good tip for Friday. 😊😊

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Feeling Uncomfortable In Group

Have you ever been  a group setting 
where you feel  uncomfortable. 

I was in that situation  Wednesday  night. 
Though I  love and admire the people 
there it didn't  feel  good after a while. 

They were talking  about  things in the past
which was fine for a while.  When I  am 
not involved  in  what was going  on  it
because e a little  too much. Fortunately 
this doesn't happen  often. 

What do you  do  in this situation? I would
say stay and do the best you  can. I  hope 
only happens once in a while. You can always 
decide to stop going  if it happens more
frequently.  👍👍

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Learn To Adjust

Now the days are getting
shorter have to adjust. I
actually slept in this morning.
I went to bed later as well.

Things happen in life where
we have to adjust. Often has
to do with our health.

We walk a path we hope is 
mainly straight,however, there
are always corners we have to 
make sometimes.

Blessings today for a straight path. 😊😊

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Gathering Together

Always a good  idea to  get  with
other people. Those who think
a like or good  friends. 

Two years because  of  covid-19  
we were not able  to be with one
another like we wanted too.

I know there are those who still 
don't  want to  be with others
but this the time.  👍👍

Monday, October 17, 2022

Receiving an encouraging word

On Sunday  during  prayer time before
Church service  one of the women gave
me encouraging  word. Actually for all
of us in the prayer  meeting. She started
and mentioned  my name.

God is pleased with my gifts and talents.
Keep  up the good  work.  We all need to
hear that on occasion. Life is such that
when someone  affirms you it is good.

Take this word into your heart as well.  
You are unique and doing a fine job. 👍👍

Sunday, October 16, 2022

A long time coming

It has been a long time  since  we have
had rain here in  Western Washington.  
No significant  rain since June. 

It looks  like we will  have some rain 
expected by this coming Friday along
with Saturday and possibly  Sunday. 

With smoke in the area the rain will be 
a good  thing.  I  don't  remember  a fall
this one before.

We could  look into  our lives and see how
long a dry spell  we have or had. We need
rain poured into our lives to. We have to 
de ide whether we want it or not. ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Exciting Weekend In Seattle

If you are a sports fan  in  the pacific 
northwest it is quite weekend  in Seattle. 
The weather  expected  to  continue  be
nice to.

On Saturday  the Mariners  play the
Houston Astros  in the playoffs, the
Washington  Huskies play Arizona 
Wildcats and the Kraken take on 
Las Vegas. 

On Sunday  if the Mariners win Saturday 
then they play the Astros  again and the
Seahawks  play the Arizona Cardinals. 

Those who are  ot into sports watching 
then a lot of other things to  do  with 
the sun out and temperatures in the 60s.
What a blessing  for October. 

Whatever  you  have  planned have a great 
weekend.  ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, October 14, 2022

Importance of Gifts

Just like gifts for Christmas, birthday  and 
special occasions both  natural  and  spiritual 
gifts are beneficial  for  those who receive 

These gifts we receive  are  to be give away
to others as well.  The spiritual gifts should
be used as often  as  the natural  ones. We
are given several  since some like wisdom  
are used on occasion.  

Gifts  like wisdom need to  be  put into practice 
as often as we can find the opportunities. People 
need to  hear wisdom  in their lives. Have to listen
to  find out  when wisdom should be applied.  😊😊

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Throwback Thursday

It is hard to believe  it is almost four
weeks  since my niece's  wedding. 
It was a wonderful time.

Four weeks  ago  I  was  on my fourth 
day visiting  Washington DC.  Going 
to the Smithsonian museums for the
most part.

In the middle  of  the  mall I  could see
Washington  monument on one end and
the Capital building  on the other.

What was your favorite recent travel?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Exhorting Others

We all have natural  and spiritual  gifts. We
are both natural  and  spiritual  beings. 

We all have more than  one  spiritual  gift. 
They are used in the appropriate time.
The one I enjoy is exhorting  others.
Although praying for someone's healing 
comes in pretty  close too.

Exhorting  others we can use our own 
experience  as well  as thoughts that
come into our mind to  encourage them.
This could  be  for more than  them but
someone  in their family.  

Even if you don't  think you have the gift
of exhortation it is still  good to encourage 
others with a word or two. 

May you continue every  part of your life
and purpose.  Discover every  gift as well 
as talents. ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Art Form

I have to say that I  like art.
I am not sure  about the current 
art that is coming out. I  do like
the art of people  and animals 

I admire art I suppose  because 
I  have  no talent at it. Those who
do it well  I say good job.

We are a great piece of  art  to.
We  might  not be perfect but we
are the best of creation. Let yourself 
not forget it. ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, October 10, 2022

Our Purpose Is Important Part

Every  day  we should look at how
we are going to impact others.
Monday is a good  place to  begin.

At a young  age  often we are told
we can't  do this or that. Life begins
with disfunction.  Those with parents
showing what you   can be are rare. 

Today  you can make a difference in
another  person's  life  even in a small
way. We should never judge ourselves 
and compare with others. We are unique 
so means we are the best we are. ❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, October 9, 2022

October Continues To Roll On

The weather  here continues to  be
warm for fall especially  in October 
for Western Washington. 

This coming week  the temperatures 
the  highs will be in the  70s while
the lows around 50. Can't  beat that
for sure.

The Seattle Mariners  beat Toronto  
Blue Jay's on their  field  taking two
and now moving onto  the  next round. 
They  play  the Houston  Astros,  which 
they have had problems  with  during 
the regular season.  We know the 
playoffs  is totally  different. 

The first two games will be in Houston 
Tuesday  and  Thursday then come to 
Seattle  over the weekend. The weather 
will be nice so the retractable roof should
be open.

Enjoy your week and be blessed. ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Someone To Remember

Saturday  I will  going to a memorial 
service for a friend and  a brother  in 
Christ.  He went to early and  the news
of his passing  was a shock.

His name is Dave Johnson and I  knew
him at least twenty  years. What I  remember 
most was his s Ile and chuckle.  Dave loved
his job laying carpet as well  as  his family 
and Jesus  Christ.  He layed  carpet much
longer than  most with little  health issues 
to his body.

Anyway  Dave we give you cheers and know
your family  and friends will  miss you. I  know
you are looking  down on us with your smile
and chuckle without  any pain. ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, October 7, 2022

What Should I Do

When people  retire  some wonder 
what they should do. 

My recommendation  is to plan
out your retirement.  If  you  are 
retirement  age and you still  enjoy
your job keep at it and  begin 
making your plans.

Those who can afford it I would 
spend time traveling for a bit.
Make a bucket  list and go to 
the spots you really want to go.

The thing is we are all different 
people so what works for me
may not work for you.

One thing I  do know those who
are retired and  are doing  what
they enjoy are to busy doing 
nothing else. Enjoy and have a 
great day.  👍👍❤️❤️

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Positive Attitude

We always should have a 
good attitude even when
we really feel like it.

This week what I have heard
from several people I feel
more spiritual healing.

We all have strongholds that
keep us from doing our purpose fully. The key is to
find out what they are. Also, 
you can ask close friends
to pray for you. 😊😊

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Best Day

Today could be the best day of
your life.

The choice is  yours with backing 
of God.

We know circumstances happen
that are out of our control.  We have
to decide when things go wrong 
what we will  do then.

So take today and make  it the 
very  best day you  can and see
where it goes. ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Healing Process

On Monday  while at the YMCA  I 
chatted  with  a woman before  
dance class. 

We have been in dance class  together 
mainly  on Saturdays.  She was taking 
a little  time  out to  join the  Monday 

She said  that  she remembers  the first
time we met at the YMCA.  She and
her family  was new to the area. We 
were in the room where  the Saturday 
class meets and we were both doing
exercises.  She found the time very good. 

A few minutes  after Monday's dance
was over a man asked me what my name  
is. I  said  my name  is Herb. He said 
last name Nightingale  right. I  said yes.

He told me his name is John. It turned out
we were in school  together.  The last time 
I  saw him was junior  high school.  I 
remembered  me specifically from first and
second  grade. 

Anyway  to the woman and John gave me 
so much peace and healing.  What a lovely 
day I will  always  remember.  ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, October 3, 2022

Words To Go By

In our dealings  with others in
our life purpose we should realize 
they may not take our words of 

They may say they do but doesn't 
mean they actually  do. For an
example, say in business you are 
a consultant  who gives advice
to a client  how they can improve 
by making  changes in their company 
to make profit  instead of loss. If 
the company  goes out of  business 
the likelihood  they didn't listen to 

People in everyday  may do the same.
This can be really  difficult on you if
friends and family  do the same.  
Unfortunately  they may have  to  hit 
rock bottom  to change and that doesn't 
mean  they will still. 

All we can do  is  the best  we  can to
use our gifts and talents.  We will win
many, however,  lose some along the

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Good Start To October

When it  comes to  weather October  1st
was amazing.  I  am  not  sure  I  have  ever 
seen it being sunny  and  68 degrees. 

We should be starting  our raining season  
in October.  It has been  a different  year

The temperatures  was colder in June. 
We weren't  sure  what the summer would 
be like. July ended up having temperatures 
into the 90s. August and  September were
summer  temperatures as well. 

All this week  coming up the weather  is 
expected to  be  still amazing being in
the 70s. Sunday  being  greater  than 
Saturday.  😊😊

Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Great Group

It is always  great to  among good  friends 
or who you work with. 

The Seattle  Mariners  showed on Friday  
night making the playoffs  for  the  first
time in 21 years.

This years team has battled each game 
and clinching  a spot on catcher  Cal Raleigh 
pinch hit home run in the bottom of the 9th
inning on a 3-2 count can't  get much better 
than that.

The Mariners  now have six games remaining 
to see where they are placed in the wildcard. 
Whatever happens  it has been  a  good ride.
We hope for a lot of success in the years ahead.