Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Busy Day

We all have busier days  than others. 
Monday was one of  those  days  for.

Even when your retired  from everyday 
work like  I am we do have interests or 
activities  keep us going..

Monday was busy in Seattle  sports. The
Mariners signed current Cy Young Award
winner Robbie Ray to a five-year contract, 
the Washington Huskies named their new
head coach, the Seattle Kraken playing
Sabres in Buffalo and the Seahawks on
Monday Night football in Washington DC 
taking  on the Washington football team.
By the  way that is the name of the team.
No longer the Redskins.  Maybe they will
come up with  another  name. This goes 
along with other  daily things.

Life can be unpredictable most of the time. 
We do the best  we  can. Amen!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Being A Good Steward

In whatever we are doing it is important
that we are good stewards with our time,
money, gifts and talents.

All four areas should be what we do
with our purpose. We do well with our
money then we can help others with
time, gifts and talents. 

Being good stewards means to be wise
as well. We might be able to give money
away but we should have the knowledge
who to give it too. I expect most people
want to have our time, gifts and talents
over money. There are those who can
use our money but will the use it wisely.
Also, how often do they ask or do we 
give because we are generous. There is
the key. 

Being good to our fellow man is important
to. We will be known by our actions. This
is the time of the year to really show off
our kindness although we should practice
all year long. Amen! 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

What We Learn This Season

We should live our life in a manner
worthy of Christ. Not an easy task
for any of us.

Our purpose should line up with 
Christ. We should learn this season
what he did and follow him. Take
the words he said to heart.

A good way this next month through
his birthday we celebrate would be
to read one of the Gospels. We can
write down something meaningful
each day we read. It doesn't mean
we have to from every chapter but
something that comes to us.

Enjoy this holiday season and be
the person you ought to be. Amen!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Now is the Holiday Season

I am not up for Christmas or the
holiday season until December

On Friday my favorite coffee shop
was playing Christmas carols. Not
ready for it but at least they were
playing old time songs you hear
in church instead of the newer songs.

I guess we can say it now officially
the holiday season.  It is a good time
to share our purpose to others. There
are those who need hope and this is
a good time to share our hope.

Though schools and other institutions
call it winter vacation when it comes
up in about three weeks I still consider
Christmas vacation. Instead of saying
happy holidays to say merry Christmas.
Those you can tell are not Christians
saying happy holidays is better thing
to do.  This all depends on the person.

So happy holiday season and Merry
Christmas in four weeks. Isn't hard
to believe the year is almost over
and we look to 2022. Amen!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Be ourselves and kind to one another

Jesus Christ said we are to love one
another.  It doesn't mean we have to 
agree on everything either. We just 
should not be rude or think bad of
one another.

We all were given talents and gifts
to share with one another as well.
We are all created unique and though
some may share some of the same
gifts and talents we may use them in
different ways.

The purpose of our gifts and talents
to share with one another. We are
here to benefit one another. You
become a better person because of
me and I the same of you.

Have a great day and may others
who meet you are blessed even
if you don't say a word or only a

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to wish everyone everywhere a
Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy your day whatever and wherever
you are at. We are blessed even in the
most trouble of times! Amen!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Always Good To Hear Good News

I am sure we all enjoy hearing good news.
On Tuesday at my doctor's appointment
about my heart I found out I won't have a
fibulator installed. Instead I will go through
a procedure called "Catheter Ablation".

Most likely this procedure will take place
in a couple months. I see the doctor who
will do the procedure on December 15. 
He will go through with me what the
procedure does and what I should expect.

What I do know is they will go in on one
end of my heart with a catheter that includes
wires. The purpose is to destroy bad cells
causing my heart to beat more often than
it should or what is also known my heart
skipping a lot. This procedure will stop
my heart from skipping. If needed I
could have a pacemaker installed. They
won't know until the catheter is in my

We always like to hear good news right.
I was hoping for the best and this sounds
like the best. It is important to trust the
doctors in what they are doing and have
the faith God will guide you through.

It will look like I will have to put my
travel plans on hold until February or
later. In the meantime I do my life
purpose right here. Amen!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Today's The Day

It has been more than a month. I find
out today whether I have a fibulator
installed or not.

I am fine with whatever the decision
the doctor says. I trust the doctor and
I know to that I am in the palm of God.

We all go through trials and tribulations
in our lives. This is just another one for
me. I have had a lot of prayer come my
way the last few months. I appreciate
everyone's prayers.

May you be blessed this day. Whatever
you are going through today things will
be OK. Amen!!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Exciting To Do

I have mentioned before how I enjoy
giving people when ministering a
piece of their life purpose. They all
see it makes sense.

If you don't know what your life 
purpose is just think about it for
a few minutes. 

What do you enjoy doing. It makes
up a part of your life purpose. Your
personality and character make a
part as well. 

Since I am able to get into what
a person  is like when ministering
I figured I am going to try something

When I am at coffee shop to spend 
some time to see a piece of someone
purpose. I am not going to do it for
everyone but maybe  one or two 

I may begin with someone I already
know to some extent. What their
gifts and talents are. 

I figure it is good practice and 
exciting to do. I may even tell
them if I feel the urge to do so.
See whether how close I am in
my thinking of their purpose.

It isn't like I want to get into 
everyone's personal business
but given a little piece about
a person or two. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Thursday is coming

Thanksgiving is coming up soon. I know
there will be many traveling this week to
celebrate on Thursday. It is important to
stay safe as well. I am not sure what the
airlines rules are but a mask to wear
is in the cards probably.

I am not a big fan of masks but if that
are the rules follow without much fanfare.
I can only wear a mask for a short period
of time. It doesn't feel right for me. For a
while I felt like I could catch covid with 
the mask on. I already had covid and the
shots as well. I know that is a touchy
subject for some as well. So if I were 
to wear a mask for a long period of time
I would remove it for a few seconds on
occasion before putting back on. If I were
on a plane I would go to the bathroom to
remove the mask even if it were the only
reason to go to the bathroom. 

It is important to be thankful whether we
have a lot or a little. Everyday is precious
especially when we don't know how many
days we have. I know the holidays can be
rough with losing those close to us. Amen!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Let the sunshine in

This week we didn't have the rain like we
had last week. Wednesday was really the
only day it rained having a downpour for
a couple hours or. Fortunately it happened
about 30 minutes after my morning walk.

I only recalled where we saw sun for any
significant amount of time. Though it didn't
rain most of the week it was overcast most
of the time and looked like it could rain 
anytime soon. That is how it works here
in Western Washington. The major reason
it feels we get more rain than we actually
do. Don't tell anyone please. lol

Today we are expecting some sun as well.
How long it will last I don't know. I hope
all day as rain is expected back on Sunday.
It is important to keep a level head since
we do have so many cloudy days besides
the rain. 

Have yourself a wonderful weekend. We
have the holiday season to look forward too.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Making Changes In Our Lives

Whether it is changing our diet like
I am because of my heart and weight
it is important to change our lives.

The older we get changes have to
occur whether it is diet or exercise.
I am amazed by some who don't 
do the changes.

There are other changes that may
happen as well. We should have
a healthy mind well as body.

Next Tuesday I will find out 
whether I have to get a fibulator
installed to help my heart out
or not. I may need to do further
changes or continue on the path
I am on right now.

The thing is our lives can be
as exciting in our older years
as our younger years depending
how we take care of ourselves. Amen!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Meditation is Popular

These days meditation is popular. I
ask who are many people meditating
to. A god they don't know or a god
in their mind.

As a Christian we can not only pray
but we can meditate on the things of
God. We can wait for hearing God's
voice as well.  I am not sure whether
that is part of pray or meditating.

Actually thinking further we can hear
God in our prayers and when we are
waiting to hear from God. He is actually
always with us so we should hear from
God right away if we are willing to listen.

Anyway a few tips for all of us to think
about for sure.

Again I want to thank you for viewing
my blog. You have anything you like
to share check in and write in the comments.
I am sure others would like to know as 
well as me. Also you can pass on to 
others you know. 

Not only do I want to share what is going
on I want you to learn while I am learning
at the same time. We all have a story to
tell whether a lot of words or only a few.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Flooding In Washington

Right now we are having a break from
rain here in Western Washington. So
far this month we have almost eight
inches of rain here in my town of Gig
Harbor. That is more rain than we have
had since 2017 in November.

We are actually three inches from our
average rain fall for the year. We should
be able to go above that for sure.

Another thing we have a lot of wind as
well. The only thing making it ok to go
out walking when the rain isn't happening
the temperatures have been high. Now
though with sun the temperatures dip down
into the 30s at night.

Though we haven't had flooding in my
area it has been north near the Canadian
border. In fact it would be hard to cross
the border into British Columbia in some
spots. There has been flooding on the 
Canadian side of the border as well.

I saw a video from one of our local tv
stations; it was amazing to see the flooding.
One showed all water outside someone's
home and another where you couldn't see
the road as well. They obviously had more 
rain than we did. 

Please pray for the people of Western 
Washington who are going through the
flooding as well as other places around
the world. Amen!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Looking At Promotion

Those of us in Washington State this week
we saw the firing of Washington Huskies
Head Coach Jimmy Lake after being
suspended a game for shoving a player
against the Oregon Ducks. This was a
few days after the offensive coordinator
John Donovan was fired for a lack of
offense in the Oregon game as well.

In the sports world firings happen because
of what we would call have we done lately.
I am sure in other things like sales the same
thing happens with less fanfare.

In God's world he is looking to promote us.
God looks at the long picture. He is looking
at those who are willing to do his work.
God gives us each gifts and talents. When
we do well at those he will add more gifts
and talents. God will take away from those
who are not doing anything with their gifts
and talents.

So if you are promoted in the world then
God sees what you doing to. If you are 
fired from a job for whatever reason God
will find a way to promote you in the world
as well. 

Our life purpose doesn't change but how
we are working in it may change. May peace
be with you and what God has for you come
to pass. Amen!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Exciting About People

I get excited to meet new people and
minister to them when possible. Those
who are not aware of God's purpose in
their lives when sharing with them what
I feel I know about them is exciting too.

On Sunday morning at church I met a
couple Rob and Barb. He asked me 
where I hang out. I told him about my
favorite coffee shop. He said that where
we are familiar with each other. I found
to he graduated from the high school
my mother taught at. 

This is like the third person I met in 
the last month or so who knew who
my mother. Also, he knows a classmate
 I went to school with and his mother
taught with mine. Also, my classmate 
taught with his wife as well.

Rob went off and talked with someone
else he knew at church. So I asked his
wife Barb if  she graduated from the same
school as Rob. She said no she graduated
from Lynden. She asked if I was familiar
with Lynden up at the Canadian border.
I said I was. My mother was from Canada
and we often when up to British Columbia
as kids to visit cousins in Vancouver 
although we went the Blaine border most
of the time. Lynden I remember mostly
because of the cemetery on the road to

It certainly shows sometimes a small
world we live and we meet people who
know other people we know. Amen! 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Have a positive day

We should all have a good day everyday.
Embrace life as God has given us.


Thank God when you wake up in the
morning you have another day.

Think positive after thanking God

Be around people that live a positive

Those who will encourage and love
you for who you are.

Want circumstances to change go 
ahead and change yourself.

At the end of the day thank God
for the day even if it is far from
being perfect.


Friday, November 12, 2021

What are you doing for a Friday

Here in the Pacific Northwest especially
in in Western Washington we are have
a lot of rain. Also, the rivers are flooding
as well.

The weekend looks to be more rain as
well so a lot of indoor activities are a
good idea for everyone around here for

So what are your plans for Friday and
the weekend? I hope things are a bit
drier in your area. 

I don't mind walking in the rain if it
is not raining to hard. The trouble is
wind and cold. I don't like either.

Whatever  you are up to enjoy those
around you. Many blessings and I
will be thinking of you. Amen!  

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Living Our Bucket List

Most people have places they want to
go when taking something off their
bucket list. Something can be part of
our life purpose. Just think of those
things you have wanted to do.

Someone I went to high school with
said on social media on Wednesday
she was ending a job she had for six 
years she considered a great job 
working at an airport.

In a move she decided which I 
figure will be her last job but
you never know she decided to
be a flight attendant. A classmate
commented she would love to
fly with her. I said I would like
to join in. The one who wanted
to join in said it is a date. 

So on our bucket list can be
work as well. Maybe for years
you have wanted to do something
you haven't done year. Your 
current job you can retire from
so why not try something new
and on your work bucket list.
Certainly something to think
about right?  Amen !

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Faithful and Consistent

When it comes to our life purpose
the two most important aspects is
to be faithful and consistent.

Those who are in our lives we
spend time with in our purpose
important to  be in contact as
much as possible.

We can only be faithful and 
consistent to what we know
about our life purpose. More
of our life purpose should 
come to our knowledge along
the way.

I hope this helps you and always

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Always Interesting See Happens

On Monday we had a sunny day here
in Western Washington after having a
lot of rain over the weekend. This time
of the year always thankful when sun
comes out.

It is so weird or creepy with darkness
at 5 pm. I am not sure why they call
it daylight savings time. I now want
to go out for a walk in the afternoon
I will have to around 3 pm.

Monday morning at the coffee shop
a little girl 2 and 1/2 I said hello too.
She hid behind her mother. I said you
don't have to be shy around me. Her
mother said "I think she thinks you
will take her banana bread". I 
responded "I am not going to take
your banana bread it is all yours."
She was so cute though.

Tuesday I will be back at cardiac
rehab feeling better. I appreciate
any prayers as I am sure you do
to. Many blessings throughout 
your day. Amen!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Excitement about others

 Sunday evening ministry at church
as a foursome we prayed for a man
none of us had ever met. He was
part of a ministry I had never heard
of before and don't recall the name
right now.

We gave words to him what we
each thought God's original purpose
for his life. He and us were surprised
what we wrote down each and then
told him is what he is doing with his
purpose. It is always good to be
confirmed what our purpose is whether
we are doing it all or not.

Without getting details we prayed next
for what we thought might be an area
of his life keeping him being totally
living his purpose. Often it can be a
relationship with a member of the 
family or someone considered a
close friend that turned out wrong
or an experience that went wrong.

We all went away with joy in our
hearts that this man will even do
greater things than he has done
before. Something else happened
which he took a picture of us
all together. First time for that.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Doing Both

Last night the time changed back
with an extra hour of sleep or stay
up late.

I actually did both stay up an 
extra hour and sleep an extra
hour. I am sure I will feel better
for it.

Here in Washington state we 
voted for  the time not to change
and stay Pacific Standard time.
We are still waiting for the
federal government to allow
us to. At least our senators are
starting to put pressure on the
federal government to change.

It is sort of funny we are now on
Daylight Savings Time. It is dark
going to bed and dark when waking
up as well. Day light really isn't
saved until February or March 
when the light stays out longer.
About that time we change to
standard time so what is the point.

Right now this means the children
have to go to school in the dark.
Maybe another positive reason
to home school.  

In ten days going to a home group
where I haven't been before. So
this means I have to find the place
in the dark. Also, means have to
walk in the dark. At least staying
on standard time though it won't
be light it won't be dark and actually
find my way.

Anyway enjoy your day in whatever
fashion you took advantage of the
extra hour. Amen!

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Life Changes

Life is interesting. Friday afternoon going out
for walk it was blue sky. Within 20 minutes 
it clouded over. When I got back to my car it 
was raining. Now the sun is out again.

Why I am saying this since going to cardiac 
rehab and going on the Mediterranean diet 
my body is doing the same thing. When I
began the diet last week my blood pressure
was normal Thursday it was quite low. I 
am eating foods with little or no sodium so
why my body is reacting in the way it is.

At cardiac rehab I only was able to do one 
exercise. I told them I am not feeling well. 
Took my blood pressure and it dropped a 
lot so I had to rest for a while at the same 
time. Also contacted my cardiologist where
a few hours later reduced my medication.

When I went in Friday I was able to do my 
regular exercise at a slower pace. I drank 
more water than I used to before going and 
I had more while being there.

Today like the weather I feel different 
depending the time. Blood pressure still 
low however drink water more often and
when not feeling myself. I know things 
will be closer to normal when my body is 
adjusted to the diet.

The woman taking my blood pressure
said it is hard to hear you. I said no one
 said that before to me. Lol. She replied 
"I mean hearing your blood pressure".
I told her I know I just couldn't resist.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Holiday Season

It seems the holiday season starts
earlier each year. At least when it
comes to shopping. Someone told
me they were putting up decorations
already. I don't think of the holiday
season until late November. Oh well!

The holiday season though to me 
means we have more opportunity
to share our purpose whether it
is our faith or hope.

With the pandemic and may shopping
on line like some have done for a
while the opportunities are not there
as much but we should take the
opportunity when we can.

I find it interesting, at least where I
am compared to a year ago.  Last
year social distancing was important.
Now as long as you wear your mask
indoors you can be close to others.
Of course you are required in most
places anyway.  

When I am in my cardiac rehab and
my mask is below my nose which
happens once in a while I am told
to move it up. This doesn't matter
whether you are close or social 
distancing. The rules certainly 

Whatever your plans are for the
holiday season be sure to talk
to others when you can and give
them hope with a smile. Amen!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

One of these days

Most days I have something real to
say but this isn't one of the them. At
least not on my mind as of now.

All we can all do is the best we can
each and every day.

I am thinking now it is seems so
early to plan for the holidays but
stores certainly here to remind us

Many blessings to you and have
a great day. Pass it on to all your
friends and those you meet along
the way. Amen!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A Change to diet

It is interesting this will be
my seventh day on a diet.
I am on the Mediterranean

I have lost about a pound
per day. Most of the loss
has to do with fluid at 
this point.

It is sort of strange because
I feel I am eating more food
though eating more often
with small portions.

I eat vegetables and fruit
along with fish and chicken
primarily. So far so good
I have to say.

It is sort of funny anyway
I feel I see more food 
commercials on television.
Probably the same amount
but aware of it.

Temptation is there to go
back but I am willing to
overcome. I guess that is
what goes on in life. Amen!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Learning from our mistakes

We know as human beings we
make mistakes. In fact, a lot of
them. Some mistakes we do
over and over again. We mean
to learn from them but often
doesn't happen.

What do we do about learning
from mistakes. Basically we
try to do our very best. Along
the way we ask God to forgive
us and help us to do better.

If we wrong someone it is
good to ask them forgiveness.
It isn't always necessary. For
if they don't realize we have
wronged them we don't have
to ask forgiveness unless we
feel the best thing to do.

So today we try our very best
to do things right though we
will make more mistakes, 

Monday, November 1, 2021

November Here

We now have two months left in
the year of 2021 before the new
year happens.

We should think about what we
accomplished in our life purposes.
We should think to what life purpose
is not.

Life purpose is not put down 
others. We should not insult 
one another or think ill will.
Bullies should be told they
are in the wrong.

Early October Canada had 
their Thanksgiving and USA
will have it on the last Thursday
of November. We should be 
thankful for we have and make
wrongs what is going in the world.