Saturday, February 29, 2020


For those who may not be familiar Lent
begins the day after Ash Wednesday which
was this last Wednesday.

Lent goes for 40 days then there is Easter.
Many Christians will give up something
for Lent.

In many ways it is like fasting which
Jesus did. He fasted for 40 days.

So we can decide to give up something
for 40 days. It can be something we
like to eat but we know it isn't good
for us or an activity as well.

You may find some people will decide
to give up social media  for 40 days.
Please don't give up on my blog though.
Just kidding around.

We can all give up something for a
period of time any time of the year.
We don't necessarily have to go 40
days though.

A lot of Christians take Lent serious
though. Those of you who have given
up something for Lent already I wish
you the best.

Like fasting of food it isn't easy at
all. It is a good idea though to change
things up even if it is for a period of
time. Amen!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Taking Care of One Another

In our world hundreds of millions are being taken
of who are sick or elderly or both. There are maybe
even as many or more that are being neglected at
the same time. I am sure there are some countries
that do a better job than others.

I have mentioned before that I take care of my
mother who is 99 years old. Since she had a
fall last September that put her in the hospital
than rehab to help with her wound she suffered
she isn't the same person.

The purpose of the rehab center was to treat
her wound then be ready to go home. I am
sure it was her age but she isn't as good as
she was when she was transferred from the
hospital which to me is a big disappointment.

I am sure the rehab center did the best that they
could do; however, the lack of movement at
her age didn't help matters either. She went
to physical therapy five or six days a week
for about 45 minutes but the rest of the day
she was in a wheel chair or in bed.

She looked better out of the rehab center
than now. I know I said she was worse than
the hospital which is true but she is not as
good at home as the rehab center. Going
back to the rehab center doesn't make sense
either because she is getting the help from
me and the nurse that comes in.

I think part of the problem is she fell at
home so she doesn't feel comfortable all
the time though she is glad to be at home.
I think part of the problem to is that she
doesn't get visitors like I think she should.
I do have a caregiver coming every Wed-
nesday which helps My sister Barb will
be here for several days next week so I
know that will help out as well.

It is so important for those who are sick
or elderly to have visitors  even if it is
for an hour or two once in a while.

I appreciate those who do visit but I
wish more would come. What makes it
easier for me with mom even though
she doesn't like getting up most of the
time when she needs to she always says
thank you with a smile when she returns
to bed or the chair..

I know it isn't always easy but visiting
someone is a good idea even for a few
minutes. Amen!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sequim Washington

On Wednesday afternoon while having a break
with a caregiver watching my mother I was in
my favorite coffee. A couple of the guys told
the barista that they were from Sequim.

One of them was with his daughter while the
other had been in the area on business. It made
me realize it has been a while since I have been
to Sequim, and I haven't written about the place
either for maybe a year.. Last year about this
time having a good snow storm Sequim had
about 18 inches of snow. I am not sure whether
it had happened before because Sequim averages
less than ten inches of rain a year so that amount
of snow is unusual.

Many of people living in Sequim are retired because
of the little amount of rain it has. Also, it I looks
overwater as well. Gig Harbor where I live is the
gateway to the Olympic Peninsula. To get to Sequim
you head north passing Bremerton then to the Hood
Canal Bridge. It is an hour drive to the bridge than
crossing the Bridge it is about another hour to get to

Sequim is known for the Olympic Game Farm which
is very famous for having animals that star in movies
especially for Disney. Also, the Dungeness Spit is
nearby known for the Dungeness Crab. One of my
favorite seafood.

I don't remember how old I was but as a child we
visited Sequim, the game farm and Dungeness Spit.
I remember my older brother walking to the end
of the Dungeness Spit. My younger brother and I
not being patient as young kids wanted to go eat
crab and we were not sure when our older brother
would return  so that is exactly what our parents and
us did less than my older brother. We did save crab
for him. On the way back to pick him up he was
walking along the side of the road. Had that happened
to me I would have panicked but he had no worries
that we would come back for him.

So if you come to the Olympic Peninsula Sequim is
a place you have to see. The Olympic Mountain range
is not far from Sequim along with the Olympic Rain
Forest. It would be a journey you wouldn't forget.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Something To Think About

A controversy happening in Seattle at Kennedy Catholic High School. A male and female teachers resigned recently because they were going to marry another of the same sex. Such an uproar the local church asked the principal to take a leave of absence.

Students and parents protested the resigning of the two teachers. I am sure it meant the teachers were asked to resign. Whatever the case I am sure when the two teachers began their employment at the school they were expected to follow the doctrine of the church signing they would follow the rules of employment. This would be like any employment for any of us wherever we would work. We sign a paper that we abide by the rules of employment of the company. If we don't follow the rules then we are dismissed. No big deal right well in this instance it became one.

A lady KIRO TV News they interviewed says that the church needs to change. Yes the church, the school, students, parents, and teachers all need to change but I am sure what she meant for change isn't the same as I would say change is.

I will leave it at that for now. Whether I agree with the rules of employment at the school or not I wonder why anyone would want to work at a place where they don't agree with the policies of the employer. Would you continuing working at a place you don't agree with their policies unless you plan to change the policy. Something to think about.

It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks in this situation. We must realize that not only do we have to talk to others who are in the world about Jesus Christ there are those in the church we must do too. We can't take fore granted those setting next to us in church really know about Christ. Next step let's ask questions. Amen!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Washington Snowpack

I was thinking to check to see how the snowpack looked
in the Cascade Mountains in Washington State

Though we have had below average rainfall in Gig
Harbor in February many areas have had above
average rain so I knew the mountains would have
a lot.

Just a couple of days ago Mt. Rainier had 30 inches
of snow in one day. Those that track the snowpack
say we are at 91% of the record amount when usually
we are around 75% this time of February.

I always get a kick because they say it looks like
we are probably not going to have a drought this
summer. Though it has happened we don't usually
have a drought though they seem to worry about
it ever year.

It does seem like we have had climate change here
over the last several years compared to what it was
like when I was a kid.

We haven't had the snow that I remember here
 in Gig Harbor when I was a kid. Often what we
remember back in the day isn't often what it really
 was happening.

Other areas of Western Washington had a good
snowfall about a month ago but we got barely
anything. I was reading recently we have been
averaging two inches of snow a year. Not much
that is for sure. Although we didn't get a lot on
 average back in the day of being a kid it certainly
 had to be double the amount we are getting now.

We had a few times where we had around ten inches
of snow in one snowfall. I miss those times though
a lot of people don't like driving in the snow.

It makes me think of life in general where we have
to think about changes happening in our lives. We
have change and certainly young people do. The
young people are growing up so fast these days.

So let your purpose influence others no matter
what generation they are. Amen!

Monday, February 24, 2020

In Our Heart

Whatever we do our success has a lot to do
with our heart.

We can have all the talent and gifts but if
our heart isn't into it than we likely won't
have any success.

What I am saying I am sure doesn't
surprise you in the least.

I believe it is import to remind
ourselves once in a while.

A good way to start out the week.
So may your week be blessed while
you bless others and they bless you.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

What a Relief

Saturday afternoon my favorite local college men's basketball team
 the Washington Huskies ended a nine game losing streak by beating
the California Golden Bears 87-52,

It had to be a big relief for everyone involved in the basketball program.
It doesn't matter whether you a coach, player or a fan relief happens
when a streak like that happens. It is natural for doubt to come in
wondering if you are ever going to win another game for the season.

It reminds me to when I spent twelve weeks in the hospital after
being burned at four years old. It must have been such a relief
for my parents to be able to finally bring me home.

I am sure everyone has felt relief after a period of time. Now
you can breathe a bit easier. Amen!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Kind Gestures

In a world where people are still bad or in some
cases pure evil it is nice to find those who will
give a kind gesture.

We still hear  of children being bullied on a
daily basis by other children. Children that
don't have the strength to fight back.

I remember a period of my childhood where
I was bullied by a few older kids on a regular
basis; however, I realized that I had to fight
back if it were not going to end.

I didn't think my parents could help and didn't
have anyone I felt could help. I did know some
older boys that helped me out.

Most bullies have no security in their lives.
They feel to get along in the world they have
to bully other kids. This is especially true if
they are taller and stronger than the kids they
are bullying.

So yesterday someone I have known for a long
time when I went to the coffee shop decided he
would buy me my salad and drink. I see him at
the shop on occasion. It wasn't planned because
I didn't know he would even be there at the time
I arrived but he wanted to give me kind gesture.

Yes there are still a lot of people who will be kind
though not always easy to point out. Be one of those
who are kind and help out another person even if
they don't need it. Our lives will be better in this
world. Amen!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Hello Friday

It sure seems like Friday's come along so fast.
I guess I could say the same for every other
day of the week as well.

I know some people take Friday's off.
It is a good thing since it does give you
a three-day weekend.

Around here in Western Washington it
seems so many take off Fridays because
the traffic is lighter in the mornings; however,
the afternoons are busier than ever.

Whatever plans you have for today or the
weekend make sure your life purpose is
included. I am sure there is someone out
there that can use you and you them too.

Life is exciting when we can look for
the unexpected in others Amen!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Destiny or What

I believe everything involves destiny. In fact, I believe
our purpose works with our destiny.

In some form or another we should use our purpose
with those that we meet every day.

I believe we have an exciting life when working
destiny and purpose together. God didn't put those
people in our lives for no reason.

Our family and friends are part of our destiny for
sure while others we meet are included even if we
meet them once in our lifetime.

Enjoy the day meeting up the others knowing they
have a purpose well as you do. You can make each
other's lives change for meeting up.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hello Sun

On  Tuesday the Seattle-International Airport reported
Monday was the first day it hadn't rain at all since the
last day of November.2019 at the airport.

I know we have had a few days where it hasn't rained
since November but not many. Though we didn't have
any flooding several cities in the area have in the last
two or three weeks. 

We know have a break for a few days any where the sun
is going to be out through Friday. We are expecting rain
again on Saturday. Yes for the weekend.

It shows how we have to encourage each other when the
weather isn't good. I remember playing cards or board games
when it was raining constantly for days with my brothers.

We joke with one another when the sun comes out even
if it only for a few minutes. We ask what is that  in the sky
right now 

There are very few places I would want to live then Western
Washington but rain can  dampen our spirits. Having family
and friends is always a good thing  

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Getting Answers

Yesterday I wasn't feeling well. I have someone helping
to be a caregiver for my mother once a week; however,
I realized what happens if I need to go to the hospital
who is going to look after her?

I have to find someone to be an emergency caregiver
for a day. My brother or sister can come to watch her
if I am out for a while; I hope it doesn't get to that point
but I do have to consider it.

It is so important to press on no matter how things go.
Important to keep our chin up. Whatever you going
through pray that things will be better. Amen!

Monday, February 17, 2020

I Want To Say Hello

Whether we have met before or not
 I look forward to meet you someday.

When we greet must be with a smile
or a hug or both. 

My mother doesn't talk much these
days but she always gives me a smile
and a thank you.
We are family so greeting each other
positive is a good thing.

When it comes to our purpose greeting
people with a smile, a hug or even a
kiss on the cheek is good.

We must know how much we 
care about one another. Amen!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

It's Sunday

It is Sunday so a good time to relax for the day after going to Church.
Of course,you can do something different as well.

My church we have our freedom prayer time in the early evening for a
couple hours to change people's lives for eternity. Included is letting them
know what their life purpose God gave them.

It is good to meditate  going into a new week. Ask for strength and prayers
for your family and friends.

Let life be a changing experience. Amen!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Visit The Cascade Mountains

I can see Mt. Rainier the largest mountain in the cascades almost every day.
 It is always an awesome sight. 

The ski resorts are all open in the area for skiing. Great place to visit 
and ski for those that are interested. 

/We are expecting more rain here but it means more snow to ski in. 
Mt. Rainier National Park has been closed because of landslides. 
Not sure if it is open again; however, other areas are open to get to the snow.

Onto another subject. Change is often hard for us to deal with. 
Most of the time we don't want to be involved in change though 
we know it is best for us.

I tried a  little change for Mother yesterday but didn't seem to 
go over very well so I decided to go back to what we were 
doing before. I may have to return to the change but not right now.

So whether you are enjoying your weather or needing to make changes 
enjoy your life to the fullest. 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

I know not everywhere do people celebrate Valentine's Day; however, if you have a loved one make
sure they know that you love them.

Love is part of our life purpose and the ones we love the most are part
of the group we have for purpose.

We don't have to celebrate one day a year but every day should happen.
Take your partner out showing them what it means.

Do what is important to them. You know them the best.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Exciting To Share

On Wednesday now my mother has visitors from Hospice one was a pastor who visits patience so it was the first time he stopped by.

My mother fell asleep after he introduced himself. So  I gave him the background of her life and where she went to church. 

After that we talked about life purpose. It was exciting to share with him how I feel about our life purpose. 

He agreed that our number one life purpose we were created for God's purpose. He asked me the question what about those who don't believe in God. We agreed they probably don't think much about their life purpose or they see it in a different way.

I look forward to his visit again in a couple weeks. I hope mother is awake longer next time. She gets tired easily so she sleeps a lot these days. On the plus side she is starting to eat more these days but it depends on how much she sleeps too. 

So share with others what your life purpose well as doing it. Find out from them what they feel is their life purpose. I know I am going to do more of it including with those I know. Peace and God's blessing. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

An Interesting Day

I have spent almost seven years watching my mother as her full-time  care giver. Today it changes a little bit anyway. Another care-giver comes aboard this afternoon to take care of her for four hours.

I haven't decided what I will do as of yet. What I will do will depend on the weather for the most part. If it is raining I will spend the time at coffee shop relaxing, reading and conversation with others. 

The rain doesn't happen then I will go walking around the waterfront of Gig Harbor. I will take my camera to take a few pictures. I will probably spend a little time at coffee shop as well.

I have mother in hospice care now which isn't much different than the home-care she has been on since she came home from rehab in November. Hospice care emphasizes comfort for their patients 
so a little difference from home-care who were caring for her wounds. They to have service where someone will come in to spend time with mother so I can get away as well. So this way I can spend a couple days on my own during the week. 

I look forward to spend a few extra hours tending to my other purposes. My mother is still my primary purpose at this time. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

An Interesting Meeting

Yesterday afternoon a woman came up to me while waiting for coffee. We chatted for several minutes. She is moving to Sacramento, California to be near her parents who are in their 80s. Her father is still working.

She didn't tell me how long she has lived in Gig Harbor, however, the apartment she was living in is being renovated so almost everyone has moved out. Only a few left in her unit. She told me she will not be able to afford the new rent of the place or for that matter at other apartment buildings. I am not surprised since she is by herself.

She has a daughter and a grand daughter living in Port Townsend which is about an hour and a half drive north on the Olympic Peninsula so she will be back in the area on occasion to visit. I wished her the best when leaving.

I thought after she left it would have been nice to have met her before. It was one of those moments we can cherish when meeting another person. Another good reason to be open to our life purpose. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

It Is G Day

Another Monday has arrived. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

I am calling this g day as well. For gratitude, goodness, and grace. Living a life of purpose having all three really helps out. It isn't always easy to follow though; however, we must do our very best. Amen!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Enjoyment Comes This Week

For those of us that are baseball fans this is a good week as major league baseball begins with pitchers and catchers reporting for spring training.

Every team is optimistic in one fashion or another though for some making the playoffs and the World Series isn't realistic. This can come to players trying to make a major league roster as well.

Most teams will have only have a few spots open for players trying to make the jump from the minor leagues or veterans trying to keep a career going. There will only be a handful will be able to succeed. Major league teams already know who will be their starters whether in pitching or on the field at all the positions. They may only have a couple spots where players are competing. This year they are expanding from 25 to 26 players so one additional reserve player will be added to the roster. So someone who would have gone to the minor leagues before now will be on the roster to begin the season. All depending on how they perform will determine how long they stay around along with injuries that always happen during the season.

It is a whole different world then what we the normal person lives in. We can look at our gifts and talents to see where it fits in the world. We can make a difference in someone's life just a baseball player can do so for a baseball team. We can live in a way that others can only imagine. Though everyone has their unique gifts and talents along with life purpose do they realize it is the case for them or they just living day to day to survive.

My encouragement is we can be someone who lives up to the purpose God created them to be and it can start today. It doesn't matter where we have been yesterday or the day before that the thing is we are living today and we can start it today. We can ask God where we should begin and who we can make a difference in their lives. Also, we can see who will make a difference in our lives too. Amen!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

OK We Are Not Perfect

It is Ok we are not perfect. We should never stop our purpose because we are not perfect and make mistakes. 

Since we are not perfect we need each other's help. A reason God gave us our purpose with gifts and talents to allow us to help others who are not perfect either. We have gifts and talents others don't have.

We are unique in our gifts and talents though they can be similar to others. My nephew Ian and I are a lot a like in personality. We have some of the same gifts and talents but he has some that I don't have and the same goes for me he doesn't. 

We can help others in partnership as well where the other person have gifts and talents we don't have but work together to help those who need of the gifts we have.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Continue to Encourage

We should continue to encourage one another. It can become where we might decide to abandon our purpose when times get tough or we are unbelieving. It happens to us all.

Our family and friends should be available for us to work things out for their benefit and ours. It doesn't matter if we have any differences or not.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Continues To Rain

Here in Western Washington it continues to rain. In fact, we are close to half of the rainfall for last year. We are currently at 12.38 inches of rain for this year. Last year we were at 29,02 inches which is a far cry from the yearly average of 42 inches.

Besides the rain we have several rivers ready to flood and multiply landslides as well. So precautions are underway. 

A lot of people here get depressed during the winter months because of the rainfall. Even when it isn't raining it is cloudy. We can go days without seeing the sun. 

This means we need to encourage one another every day This is a major part of our purpose anyway. Amen!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Encourage Each Other

Encourage one another today. Choose to have joy and peace no matter what is going on around you. 

It is so important to live your life of purpose. It is what gives you happiness along with those who are around you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Joy Comes In The Morning

Psalm 30 verse 5 says “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

This is where hope comes from. In the morning it is a new day. Whatever happened yesterday is gone.

Spread the word to others when times are tough. We all need hope.

Hugs will help too. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Our Priority

The number one thing to remember is God and family should be our priority over anything else.

There have been books and movies where men have put their purpose or calling ahead of God and family. They say that they are following God but they really aren't.

God doesn't want us to leave our families behind they are an important part of our purpose.

So if you are living your purpose without thinking about your family to say it in the kindest words "knock it off".

Your purpose will be so much better with God and family being the center point.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Agreeing On Somethings

I am amazed how some of my friends agree on pro-life and the truth of God; however, when it comes to politics they are on different sides.

They spend a lot of time arguing on politics than on pro-life and the truth of God.

It is time to come together on what you agree and not what you disagree. Amen!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Being Positive

There is nothing better than being and staying positive.

Sometimes it takes us to think about such things.

Don’t argue with others even if they don’t agree with you.
 Life isn’t worth the aggravation.