Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Eve 2021

I looked at last year's post on December 2020.
Going to post again except change to 2021.
May you have a great day going into 2022.

Here we are ready to go into 2022. I am
sure we will have new things to deal with
in the coming year.

Our purpose should encourage others about
having a positive attitude in 2022. We to
must realize God gives us free will to act
as we will. The question is will we act on
it or let him be in charge.

We must recognize he knows the best for 
us. God has been around for a lot longer 
than we have. He knew us way before we
were born. In fact, way before the world
was created. Isn't that an awesome thing
to think about. God knows us enough to
know what we go through and how we 
will react. The question will we allow him
to help us.

This is a good way to go out in 2021 and 
into 2022. If we learn anything over the
next year God has our back and he knows
us a lot better than anyone. Amen!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

What is good

Having love and those who
Love and care for us is a
blessing even those far away.

Unfortunately not everyone
is blessed in this way.

We need to be around those
do care for us and love us
for who we are. Amen!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Looking to 2022

Every year  at this time we look  
the next year what our goals 
should be. At the same time 
about  whe accomplished 
this  year. 

Though there have been obstacles 
in front  of us again this  year 
we had some success as well. 

So write  down what you  would  like 
to see accomplished  in 2022.
Best wishes  and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Another Experience

As I have  said often  I  enjoy meeting
 new people  or those I have seen  before 
however haven't  talked  with besides 
saying hello. 

I had that experience  on Monday talking 
with another regular at the  coffee shop.
He actually  went to high school where
my mother taught for 20 years. I find it
interesting  meeting  people who went 
my mother's school this year then ever

The gentleman  didn't have my mother 
as a student but did remember her. He
swam on the  boys swim team. The 
school won the state title in boys swimming 
something like 30 straight years. A record 
which  would be hard to  break.

Monday was a cold day. The temperature 
high was 23 degrees here. The lowest
temperature on this day in 31 years.
Hoquim which is about 25 miles from
the Washington coast had the highest 
temperature in the  state at 28 degrees.
Omak which  is in the  eastern part of the
state near the  Canadian border had the
low of zero.  Quite the day for  sure.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Going Into 2022

Going into 2022 you still  trying to
figure out your life purpose 

Something to ask yourself: what 
are you good at? What are your 

When you answer those questions
than you have your answer 

It is as simple as that 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Boxing Day

Those  in Canada, Australia,  New Zealand, 
Hong Kong, and Great Britain wish you a
Happy  Boxing Day. 

My mother  coming from  Canada celebrated 
Boxing Day each year for over 50 years with 
a dinner. She had spiced beef and scallop
potatoes among the main courses along
with desert. Mom went all out. Also, had
wine, tea and coffee.

Usually there were dinner people  at the
table of family 👪 ❤ and friends. Often 
Mother  would invite  different  couples
to experience Boxing Day and the spirit 
of Canada.

I am sure  those who are still alive will 
think of mother on this day as I do.

Happy Boxing Day Everyone!

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Merry Christmas  to you all as we
celebrate  the Christ child

May you  and  everyone  in your 
life  be blessed.

May the joy of the Lord be with 
you always Amen!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve

Everyone  has their own tradition 
when it comes to  Christmas. 

May  yours be true 👍 🙏 this year.
Be blessed  and be a blessing to. 

Happy Christmas Eve 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christmas Eve Eve

The wise men following the stars

to Bethlehem over two thousand 
years ago.

They  bringing gifts 🎁 to the 
Christ child, the  Messiah about 
ready to  be  born. 

They did not know the Christ child
would  change the  world in the 
way he did. Amen!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Joy To The World

As we get ready for Christmas with
family and friends I figured it is a
good idea to remember our favorite
Christmas carols.

My three favorites are Joy to the 
World, Hark the Angels Sing and
Silent Night. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Inspiring, Encouragement

Inspiring and encouraging are
both gifts. 

The world  needs them  both.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays 💖 ♥ 

Monday, December 20, 2021

Merry Christmas To All

May you and your family have a Merry 
Christmas week. 

You may have an unique purpose.
Your purpose and your family 
purpose to work together.


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Happy Holidays

I am one to  say Merry Christmas  instead  of
Happy Holidays. I  don't  care whether  I am 
politically correct or not.. I am  sensitive to
say Happy holidays  to  someone who doesn't 
believe in Christmas  though.

In fact I  may Happy holidays  and Merry Christmas 
together. Christmas  celebrates the birth of the
Savior of the world Jesus  Christ.  Yes he is the 
Savior of those who don't believe well as those
who do. Maybe  you don't  believe right now but
you may someday. Why I say that is Jesus Christ
may come  into  your heart  someday. I went to 
church as  a child,however,  I didn't know who he
was until  I  was seventeen. Also, Jesus Christ
himself  said he was  the Savior of the world. Amen!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Making Adjustments

Sometimes we have to make adjustments 
in our lives. 

On Friday  morning  my blood pressure  was
just right when  I  woke up.  I took my medication 
at the  time I do every morning. When I  got 
to cardiac  rehab  my blood  pressure  was low. 
It wasn't  low like when  I went to the hospital but
still low.

Now Saturday  morning  the same as when  I woke
Up on  Friday.  I have decided I am going to wait
longer before taking.. I will be checking  my blood 
pressure  again soon. I will  take it when it is higher.
On Thursday  I see my cardiologist so likely  have
to lower my medication again.

See I call this making adjustments.  I will be careful 
since I don't want my blood pressure  get to high.
Make your adjustments  where you can.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Making New Plans

It is interesting  right now where  a 
lot of college  football  players are 
deciding to transfer to  another college.

In many  college  institutions  coaches
are being  hired elsewhere  when a
head coach is fired at the  schools too.

Why are these student  athletes  being 
critized for moving on. At the major 
colleges the athletes had to  wait a
year to play at their new school. In
2020 the NCAA changed the rules 
where they don't  have to wait any
longer. These athletes  could play
before without  sitting for a year,
however,  they had to  go to a smaller

Many  students  transfer to other colleges 
every year without being  critized. You may
say colleges  put a lot of  money into the
college  athletes and they get free tuition 
as well.  I am sure works  for many of the
students are  not athletes as well.

God has given  us  free will  to  choose what 
we do with our lives. Often we make the
wrong choices. These young college athletes 
have the  same choice. In some cases they
may change that wasn't  good  in the first 
place to  what is right for them now. 

Our purpose maybe  to  help  young people 
to  make the right  choice as a mentor. Our
experiences making the wrong choices help
someone  else. Amen! 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

News Came Out

On Wednesday  though it was coming
a relief to know  when my catheter 
ablation  will  happen. 

The procedure  will take  place Tuesday 
January  11 beginning  at 3 pm. It will
 take about two  hours then rest for about 
two  more hours before  going  home.

Though the procedure  is really routine 
these days I appreciate prayer. It will be
nice  when done. Amen!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A Cold Day

Talked  about  having  a  little  snow 
on Wednesday, however, not happening 

Going. Be cold but a light rain instead.
I  am  sure  your excited  about  my
weather forecast.  lol

I do hope  to  have my morning walk 
before my doctor's  appointment  about 
my upcoming catheter ablation. I  will 
know when  scheduled  as well. 

Always  good  to  know when  a procedure 
happens so can move on to  more  things.

Have a blessed day  and encourage others.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My Continue Walking

I try to walk twice  a day. I have time to 
walk  once for a longer period of  time  
I do so.

On Monday  I walked twice and  in the 
morning there wasn't  any rain. I had
other things  to do  so I  figured to 
walk in the  afternoon as well. 

It was  raining  some but decided to
go anyway. Though  I  did get wet 
some I had a good  time.  My main 
point is to  be healthy.  Tuesday, 
Thursday  and Friday I go to cardiac 
rehab, however, it ends right  before  
Christmas. My insurance doesn't 
cover after that. I plan to  join the 
YMCA which  my insurance  should  

I  plan to go to the YMCA on Monday,
Wednesday, and Fridays for  sure  
while I am at home. I  should  know 
others there so seeing  more people 
will be  good.

My idea is to  continue exercises I
have done at cardiac rehab  but add
swimming and basketball too. I do
some  other things  as well.

My next life  sounds exciting  to
happen. I let you know how it goes.
This  won't let me stop from my 
other plans to. We should  go as 
far as we can.  Amen!

Monday, December 13, 2021

We Have Value

Reality  is  some people  will  like
us while others  will not.

The important thing is to surround
ourselves around those  who  love
and like  us. People  who believe 
we have  value. 

We are here to share our purpose 
and experiences with those who 
will  listen  to us and we to them.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Setting Goals

This  time of the year a lot of people 
do New Year's resolutions. I prefer 
to go with setting goals.

We set goals  we will reach  them 
more likely.  I  have a goal to lose
50 pounds. Right now I  have lost
17 so far. 

It  will  still  take some time,  however,  
I  stay at  it I will  accomplish my goal.
I will  do losing a little  at a time. I 
figure 2 or 3 pounds  a week is a good 
small goal  to meet.  Whatever goal you 
want to  reach go a day and a week  at 
a time.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Snow In the Mountains

They were complaining we weren't
getting snow in the Cascades and
Olympic mountains here in Washington.

On Friday they finally had some snow.
Depending exactly where  two feet or
more snow has come down.

I-90 a very heavy traveled interstate
in Washington going from Seattle
to Spokane has at least 19 inches.
Cars and trucks recommended to 
wear chains. In fact chains have to
be in the vehicles even if you don't
have to put them on. They will fine
you $300 if you are stopped and not
have chains. 

A good idea not to do I-90 right now.
The snow will still be there in a week
and no more snow coming down.

Now those who want to go skiing they
can do so. I am not a skier though I
certainly like watching others ski.

Whatever your doing this weekend
have a great time. Merry Christmas
and Happy holidays.  

Friday, December 10, 2021

Having Joy

Having joy comes easy for some
while others think they don't deserve
joy for the past.

We all should have joy. We may not
think of it but joy is part of our life
purpose. Joy may come easier for
some than others but still the same
for us all. 

You struggle to have joy than ask
God for it. Your relationship with
God may not be good in your mind,
however, he wants you to have joy
more than you do. Amen!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

All Year Long

Encourage others 

Smile and  joy

Be  blessed  and be a blessing 

Good  all year long 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

An Unusual Day

Tuesday  was  an unusual day  or one  I 
didn't expect  anyway.

I went to cardiac rehab, however,  my
blood pressure  was real low.. I had
to  wait for  blood  pressure  to  go
up to exercise. I rode the bicycle only.
After  that my  blood pressure  went
down again. Keep the story short I 
ended  up in the ER.

I was at the  hospital until mid-afternoon.
They observed my blood pressure  as it
kept going  up and down until it became 

I am  not sure of my purpose on Tuesday 
other than I will on Thursday  have my
medications likely changed.

One thing  I  know we don't always have
to be clear on our purpose.  Amen!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Thought That Counts

I am sure most of you have Christmas
shopping to do. Remember it is the
thought behind the gift.

Those who buy gifts for Christmas
but are not Christians may feel to
buy an expensive gift is the way 
to go. I am not against expensive
gifts but still it is the thought that
counts. If you can afford to buy
an expensive gift and the other
person can really use it than go
for it. Amen!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Listening to others

I am not sure whether listening to
others would be considered a talent
or a gift. I think so anyway. Be sort
of hard for me but I believe I am
getting better at it.

Since covid-19 it seems a lot of
people have no problem speaking
their freedom of speech. Giving
your opinion is fine but these days
it is important to watch what you
have to say because people won't
like it or hold it against you. 

I find it important to work through
my thoughts before speaking out
on anything. Also, I find some who
speak their opinion over and over
again tiresome even those I may
agree with them. In fact, so tiresome
I don't go on social media as often
as I did before and then I don't listen
to the new as often either.

So listen to those you know and may
learn a thing or two or even more. If
they are bound to talk about politics
over and over again I would move on
but that is my opinion. Again it really
isn't the politics as much as saying
the same thing time and after time
unless you are one that enjoys that.

What we learn from others we can
pass on to other people as well. We
might come up with some bright 
ideas. We can come up with our 
own ideas by listening to others.
It isn't just leaders or mentors but
the everyday person we meet for
coffee or tea or at work. We might
get astonished after a period of 
time. Amen!

Sunday, December 5, 2021

All Season's

What I  like  living in the 
Northwest  is  we have all 
four seasons. 

Our winters are not  as
cold or as much snow as
the Midwest or the East 
Coast but still  a good
place to  live.

The rain and some  snow 
allows  us  to have  a lot 
of green  grass and  trees.
You might not  like  to
visit  it here in the  winter 
unless you  like to  ski,
however  the summer, fall
and  spring  it is really  nice
and you can enjoy  the green 
we have.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

No Winter Yet

We had a lot of  rain in November here
In Western Washington. December has
started  out with no rain yet. 

The temperatures  in the mornings  are
now in the  30s where in November  50s
for the most  part.  Our mountains  haven't 
Had much snow yet so the ski resorts not 
opened  yet. Not to  worry yet I expect they
will get snow soon.

A town like  Leavenworth  attract visitors in
December so might be down right now though 
some people  living in the area  will go anyway.
Leavenworth  is  a town near the  mountains 
and looks  like  it is from Germany. In fact you 
can  eat German  food  in the restaurants. A
good  place to visit anytime of the  year. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Hope for the holiday

Believing in God takes faith, however, hope
is what keeps us going. This time of the year
there is a lot of people without hope. So those
who have hope need to help out those who
need some of it. I call it rallying the troops.

Hope has been on the decline for many years
for some people but since covid-19 it has
been even more so. 

On Wednesday I had a haircut. Mark who is
the owner and cut my hair told me his son
Jordan was in a car accident in October. He
is paralyzed and is in Harborview Hospital
in Seattle. He is coming home next week on
the December 8. Pray for Jordan that a miracle
happens. Also, he doesn't lose hope. Amen!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Welcome December

Time certainly flying by. They say the
older you get the faster it goes so I expect
2022 will be more so.

Here in my home town Gig Harbor we
had almost 11 inches of rain. We are
at the average rainfall for the year.
No rain Wednesday expected but rain
will come again. We could hit 50 inches
for the year or close to it in December.

I am sure everyone will busy this
Christmas holiday season. Three
things to remember faith, love, and 
hope.  Love is the greatest of all.
Use all three in December. There
are those who need all three. Merry