Sunday, April 30, 2023

Being Faithful

It is so important  we are  faithful  to God, 
our purpose and who have relationships 

Not only to our serious relationship, but
to those we spend time even casually.

Every  person  we meet should be important 
whether we see them once or on a regular 

I  saw someone  at the grocery  store  on
Saturday  I hadn't  seen  for years until
last Saturday  at a memorial service of
a high school  friend. So twice in a week. 

We chatted for  a few minutes. When 
leaving the checkout stand stand she
jokingly  said I will see you next Saturday. 

Who knows we might see each other
next Saturday  whether at grocery store 
again or elsewhere. 

So remember  be faithful  to  do your
life purpose  each day.   ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Our Character

We look at our gifts and talents along
with the things we do as major contribution 
to our live purpose.

Our character and personality  make up
a portion  of  our life purpose.  People 
generally  are attracted to our character 
and personality.  They may enjoy our
talents  as well but our personality  is  
probably  the  first thing that draws them
When they start knowing  us then our 
character is added to the package.

Every  part of us makes up our life purpose. 
The reason  we do those things we do.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Making Decisions

We all have the right to make decisions 
for ourselves  pertaining  to  others 
in relationships and other things to.

In fact in relationships  it should be 
joint decisions.  It should  never be
about us only.

Depending  on other things  we can make 
the decision however someone else is
involved  we have to take in consideration 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Be Careful and Watch Out

It is so important  to  be careful online
and not be taken for a scam. 

Something  that  sounds better than 
true likely  is. I  may have for one of
them myself. I will have to see over
the next few days.

The trouble I had was they didn't tell
me the whole truth. They called it a
misunderstanding instead of a lie.

Anyway  have a blessed and a great 
day.  ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Our Longings

We all have in one manner or another 
where we don't  have  desires fulfilled. 

God is the answer  to  them all. He
wants to fulfill them all. All we
have to do is ask him and have faith.

Many of our unfulfilled longings and
desires go with our  life purpose as
well.  Look back at what others may
have said  to  you about your purpose 
and destiny. ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday and Monday

I am sure most people  who have been around 
a while  remember the song Monday  Monday 
by the Mama's and Papa's. 

Mama Cass Elliot made Monday's  feel
a lot better. Unfortunately  she died in
1974 at the age of 32 years old.  What  a 
talent she was. 

A lot of people  were not fans of Monday's 
since it meant  they had to go back to work. 
Certainly  holidays make it feel a lot better. 

Our life purpose  means Mondays  should 
be as great day as the other six days. Let
each day be a blessing and encourage  one
another.  ❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Seeing Childhood Friends

Saturday  I saw childhood  friends who I 
don't  see often or a long time ago. 
Unfortunately  it happens on occasions
at a memorial  service. 

Life must go on though one less person 
not see again in this life. You think of the
memories  you had of the person and see
what the did since you last  saw them.

Your happy because they considered you
a friend and the same for those who attended 
as well. 

So important  spend time with people  since 
none of us know how long we will be here 
and when we see each other again. ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Mental Health

Mental health is a big issue  these
days especially  after covid-19. 

Many believe it is a physical  issue. 
In some cases it is however comes
from spiritual  background  to.

The enemy  of our souls wants to
destroy  us especially  those who
are Christians. 

Our spiritual  gifts  can help people 
get over the harassment they are
going through. Christians need to 
know they have power God has 
given to them. 

Many Christians  have to get over
the strong holds in their lives to.
I  have strong holds in my life but
still can't  hold me back from helping 
others as well. 

Those who  have physical  mental health 
issues can be healed of them as well.
We are here as Christians to help those
who need assistance. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, April 21, 2023

Lack of Security

Most of us have a lack of security 
for some reason or another.  

Circumstances  and  family  is  
usually  the reason  behind the
insecurity.  How we were treated
or lack of money. 

Often people will do something 
as adults about their insecurities
as a child. Maybe make a vow 
they won't  be like their parents.
Sometimes  that backfires. 

You  may work hard to bring in
lots of money  since your family 
was poor. There are all sorts
of ways to try to overcome

The answer really  comes to 
having faith and believing 
you are not the person that
put on the insecurities. 
Amen!  ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Being Yourself

An important aspect of your life
purpose is being yourself. You
were created for this and no one

All has to do with your personality,
character, gifts and talents. All
wrapped up makes it a pretty good

Don't let anyone steal who you are.
Again there is no one like you.
Enjoy your day and bless everyone
you see with what you have. 😃😃

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

April Wet and Cold

To be honest  I  don't  remember  April 
being so cold and wet.

The weather  in Western Washington 
has been so different in last several 
years. Maybe it is global warming or
whatever. Makes life interesting. 
Something to talk about with your 

Tuesday it didn't  rain a whole lot
however the wind chill was below
freezing in the morning and the
afternoon didn't feel  much different. 

Wednesday  the morning temperature
is colder than Tuesday just above freezing 
so depend on the wind the wind chill
might be colder than Tuesday.

No matter the weather  what my life
purpose is still going on and that is
the most  important.  Many blessings 
to you my friends. ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Keep Building

It is so important  we keep building 

Our major  purpose  is to worship
God and have relationship with him.

Our number two purpose  is  to have
relationship  with  one another. 

We must continue  building these
relationships even with those we
may not like or they are different 
from us.

These differences  between  people 
can makes grow and learn. ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, April 17, 2023

A Close Game

In sports when there is a close game
it really makes who the person is like.
Obviously no one wants to be in those 
situations very often.

Our purpose could be like that on
occasion as well and how we deal
with it tell us more about ourselves.

The most important thing is never
give up in close situations. Amen!

Saturday, April 15, 2023

You are Righteous

There is nothing we can do to  
be righteous.  God is the only 
one is righteous. 

There are some religions  who
believe  they do as many good
works they will be righteous.
They will go to heaven for what 
they have done.

Good  Friday  and  Easter celebrate
what Jesus  Christ  did on the cross
With dying  for our sins and resurrection.
This is why we are righteous only by
what he did. You can't  do enough to
earn your salvation.  If so Jesus  Christ 
won't  have come on the cross.

God has called  us  to  good works
but not for us to earn the way to heaven.
You do because you love him and do
his will.  ❤️❤️❤️

Staying Healthy

We all go through  times where our
health  isn't  good. This especially 
happens the older we get.

There is different  ways to stay 
healthy  or recover. We can follow
the doctor's  order, we can take natural 
remedies  and we can pray. 

We can have friends and family pray 
for us and we can pray for ourselves. 
Prayer isn't  just for our daily needs
but for our health too.

Whatever  your health  issues are
we can command for them to leave
in Jesus  Christ  name. We can put
our hand on where we have our 
sickness and to command to leave.

The thing is if the sickness doesn't 
go away the first time continue to
pray until it does go away.   ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, April 14, 2023

Difficult Times

Sometimes  things get difficult. 
Hopefully  only  last a short period. 

In this case it is important to have
someone to be there to encourage 

This is what we can do for others as 
well. We have the gifts and talents 
to help whomever we can.

We can ask God for help as well. 
He is here for us at all times.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Free Will

God has given us free will. This means we 
can follow him or not. He is a loving 
God so he knows us better than anyone.

He is not a dictator  or selfish.  He isn't 
like humans or our earthly  father. If
your earthly  father was mean to you
God  isn't. He wants the best for us.

I know often people if this true why do
some things happen. I don't  have all
the answers but consequences  of our
choices or others do cause bad things
to happen. 

Talk to God and ask him. He will
answer you . ❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

What Is Important

When it  comes to our life purpose
it is important to have family. 

Some may call it our support team. 
Our friends can be considered 
family  as well. Family are those
we spend a lot of time with. They
are beyond our natural  family. 

It is great when our natural family is 
close both in distance and spending 
time together. 

This all means with friends we have
a large system.  We know they are
there for us and us for them.

Our support system  makes  up an
important  part of our life purpose. 
There maybe others who we mentor. 
There could be some in our support
system we mentor  as well.  

Make your support team larger since
we can use as many as we can.  ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

What Are You Looking For

I am sure you are here you have found
what your looking  for  or your interested 
in finding out.

We all have a purpose  whether we realize 
it or not. God created us for a purpose. 
The number one is to worship God. 
The unfortunate  thing  a lot of people 
worship things or idols. They won't  fulfill
what you are looking for.

God gave you a purpose to serve others. 
You may as why. He knows you and he 
gave you gifts and talents. They are to serve
to serve others.

You may say I  am  not  a  slave. It is true. 
You serve others because you want to use
your gifts and talents. Anyway think about
these things and see where you go beyond
where you have been.  ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, April 10, 2023


I hope everyone  had  a  wonderful Easter.
We should celebrate the resurrection  of 
Jesus Christ  evert single day.

Each day our life purpose  should represent
Jesus  every single day of the year. Listen 
to find out what you should  do today.

May you have a great day. A day like no other.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter

We thank you Jesus  Christ for what
you did on the cross. To die for our
sins which  we don't  deserve  and 
you did it  anyway. 

You show us compassion , grace,
mercy and love everyday. 

Let the joy of the Lord be shown in 
us with every one of our breaths.
Amen!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturday Before

I am sure many y wonder what Saturday 
before Easter is or means.

Some call it Holy Saturday  or Easter  Vigil. 
Whatever the case it is the day to remember 
death and burial before Jesus  Christ  resurrection 
on Sunday.  

Whether you  are  meeting  with  family or
going to a church  meeting  take the time
to think of his death and burial. 

We are created for a purpose and what
Jesus  did makes it even more awesome.  

Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday on this year's calendar.
Though not a holiday  per say but the
most important  day for a Christian. 

Good Friday  represents the  day that
Jesus Christ  was crucified  on the cross.
He died for all of our sins. He died for 
every  person  who has or ever will be
for their sins.

Yes none of us is perfect. None  can
do anything  to enter God's  presence 
or go to heaven without being sinless.
This is the reason  Jesus  Christ came.
He died on the cross to pay for each
of our sins. This is if we only sinned
once or thousands of times. All we do
is ask forgiveness and turn away from 
our sins each and every time.  It is that
simple everyone. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Do A Survey

I have mentioned about making a 
list of your gifts and talents..

Now take a survey from your friends
on how you are doing with your gifts
and talents.

Another good thing is have a journal
and each day write down your
success. Also, the things you feel
you can work on.

We want to be changers in the world
we live in. 😉😉😉

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Bonding Together

There is nothing greater than bonding
together for a purpose.

Tuesday night at a gathering for worship
and prayer it happened including joined by a bible school from Hawaii. 

The group was made up college young
women, a couple young men, a couple
with five children and a couple with two.
Another woman from Mexico along with
the couple that leads.

Interesting in meeting the young women
discovering their life purpose. There were
three who are friends from North Carolina.
Another Gwen whose father is a pastor
in California. Even another whose parents were missionaries to Holland for several
years. All called to do something for God
in their own way.

The bible school year ends in May and
this group will move on and a new group
begins in September. I am sure we will
meet another group from the school maybe
next year.

What a great way to spend an evening
with this group. They leave Wednesday
for Spokane. They return to Hawaii
next Tuesday. Pray for safe travels. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

What Do You Struggle Against

We all struggle against something.
We have to identify ours. 

The struggle is not here but in
the spiritual world. You should 
take time with prayer and fasting.
Prayer should be on going. 
Fasting will depend on your health.
Skipping a meal now and then is a
good idea. There is intermediate
fasting where you eat at least 15
hours after your last meal. I recommend
it one day a week if necessary. It
can be the beginning of a longer

The thing about fasting it doesn't 
have to do with food only. Instead
don't do something you regularly
do. Example stop watching TV
instead for a little while. This time
pray or read. 

We can do this in regards to our life
purpose as well. Spend more time
doing it. We can easily get distracted.

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Way Of The World

The world hasn't changed
a lot over the years it has 
been around, however it 
feels that way.

With internet, social media
and normal media we have
more access to what everyone
is thinking.

The last two decades people 
are thinking evil is god and 
vice versa. A lot is over the
roof. Can't say what you believe 
if you criticize what is evil

We still have freedom of speech
however there will be those who
will hate  you speaking what is now
considered good. 

Keep up good chear if you are
one that has been looked upon
as evil or unloving. We have to
Speak what we feel at the right
time.  😉😉

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Palm Sunday

Today is the beginning  of  Holy
Week. Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem 
on this day. Passover was beginning 
as well.

Outside of Jesus  himself no one 
knew his earthly ministry  was ending
in a few days. Good  Friday  will be
celebrating the crucifixion of Jesus 
followed by Easter his resurrection.
It is his crucifixion  where all our sins
past,  present  and future were laid on
the cross. Jesus  resurrection  brings 
new life to us all. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, April 1, 2023

April Fools Day

Hello everyone  we are now starting April 
and no joke. Lol

Today is one day you can make fun. 
Tell someone  that  is not true and
see if they fall for it. 

Life should be enjoyed each day
however we know things happen 
where it doesn't. The  best we can
is fight for what we got sometimes. 

I hope today is a day you have great 
joy and blessings.  ❤️❤️❤️