others and our purpose to is to
love them. The hardest thing
into know what true love is.
We all think we have an idea
what love is, however, we don't
really know in our humanity.
Being a parent we have an idea
of loving our children. In our
humanity this the closest we
get to true love.
The trouble is we are all selfish
in some manner and that rubs off
in love too. Depending on our
parents and family we can get
the wrong idea of love as well.
We add friends and those we meet
at school we often get the opposite
of love. This is either giving or
The real love is demonstrated in
the Bible where Jesus Christ
showed his love by sacrificing
himself on the cross. This is
where we must begin.
Though no matter how we may
try to love as a sacrifice to others
especially those outside of the
family it is difficult to do.
It is not only difficult to give love
it is receiving it back the same
way. We have to realize others
may try to take advantage of
our love. It doesn't mean we
shouldn't try we should be
cautious in doing so.
Building a relationship with love
others may look to take money or
other things from us. Though we
may have an honest idea to love
there are others out there that do
not. All we can do is our very best
in giving love and knowing we may
not get it in return. We have to
accept that will happen sometimes
or possibly most of the time.
Again we should never stop from
stepping out in love. This will be
gratifying in our purpose and life.
Even if we are rejected in the
process. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️