Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Loving Others

Th÷ greatest  gift we can give to
others and our purpose  to is to
love  them.  The hardest thing
into know what true love is.

We all think we have an idea
what love is, however,  we don't 
really  know in our humanity. 

Being a parent we have an idea 
of loving our children.  In our
humanity this the closest we 
get to true love. 

The  trouble  is  we are all selfish 
in some manner and that rubs off
in love too. Depending  on our
parents and family we can get
the wrong idea of love as well.

We add friends and those we meet
at school we often get the opposite
of love. This is either giving or 

The real love is demonstrated  in 
the Bible  where Jesus  Christ  
showed his love by sacrificing 
himself  on the cross. This is
where we must begin.

Though no matter how we may
try to love as a sacrifice to others
especially  those outside of the
family it is difficult  to do.

It is not only difficult  to give love
it is receiving  it back the same 
way. We have to  realize others
may try to take advantage of
our love. It doesn't  mean  we 
shouldn't  try we should be 
cautious  in doing so. 

Building  a relationship  with love
others may look to take money or
other things from us. Though we
may have an honest idea to love
there are others out there that do
not. All we can do is our very best
in giving love and knowing  we may
not get it in return.  We have to 
accept that will happen sometimes 
or possibly  most of the time.

Again we should never stop from 
stepping out in love. This will be
gratifying in our purpose and life. 
Even  if we are rejected in the
process. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, December 30, 2024

Being Effective

When it comes to life and our
purpose  listening to God and
ourselves  makes us effective. 
At times important  to listen
to others  as well. 

We have good gifts and talents
however for them to work as 
they should God is the one to
listen carefully  to  and listening
gives us the best way to be

We must realize  we will make
mistakes at times since we 
are not perfect. We must forgive
ourselves for the mistakes and
ask others to forgive us if it is

The important  thing  is  we must
do what we created to do and not
put off our purpose. We won't ever
succeed if we wait to be perfect.
The mistakes is what will makes
us better over the long run.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Seeing Things Differently

Living your life with a purpose
might make you different than

There maybe a lot of people who 
do believe they have a purpose
however living it out in a serious
way may seem you are different
than others.

I believe it is important to take
our purpose seriously however
we can have fun in it too. Your
purpose can be used to help
others or entertain others if your
talents are in the area of sports, 
acting, singing or musician. They
psy real good money if you are
really talented. 

There other areas like being an
artist that others will like to see
too. We all have a purpose that
can attract people or help them.
We have talent or gift that others
lack in so using them helps too.
You can be a mentor or a tutor.
It allows others to become better
in areas. 

Let your purpose be in action. Often
it takes us time to see others value.
You do have value though it may 
take others to see it.  ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Purpose In Your Life

I am sure every country  has a reason for 
your life purpose.  Every religion would 
be the same.

Though Christianity is considered  a
religion  I see it and God does to that
he desires to have a relationship with
each of us. Religion keeps us off a
relationship with God.

Jesus Christ  came and died on the  
crossso we would have salvation and 
relationship with  him. Without Christ  
we are doomed by our sin. We can't  
work out our salvation  no matter how 
hard  we try. We are not perfect and 
one sin makes us doomed. The reason 
why Christ came.

I admit that I  am  a sinner no matter 
how hard I  try. Jesus came  not only 
to give me and yousalvation he loves 
me a whole  lot despite my failure 
and it goes for you too.

Yes I  fail again today and this moment. 
He still says I  love you Herb no matter 
what.  God has  a purpose for each one 
beyond what we think or others tell us. 
Ask him and he will tell you what your 
purpose.  He knew way before we existed. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

The Holiday Season

Here in the western world the holiday 
season continues  for another week 
until  2025. For some they will go 
back to work as well. 

Being in Quebec right now different 
than Western Washington.  The 
temperatures is  colder. Quebec 
has snow too while Western 
Washington does not except up
in the mountains.  Some people 
in Western Washington will be 
up in the mountains  to ski.

Where I live snow doesn't happen 
in December  often while here in
Quebec  it is often. The people 
here speak primarily French while
in nearby Ottawa it is English.
Quebec  have people  from all
other places in the world too.

One of my cousin's  in British
Columbia which has cold weather 
and snow to her middle son and
family are in New Zealand for a
month. I  think it is wonderful to
travel  other places in the world 
to see how they live as well as
the sites. 

Going in December to elsewhere 
would be a learning experience 
as well as other times of the year.

I know to there are places that are
even more colder than Quebec while
others are more warmer. Where
you decide to visit it is up to you.

As you ring in the new year if that
is what you do or not in your area
that you live have a good time. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Hi Boxing Day

Not everyone celebrates Boxing
Day. It is a tradition of England, 
Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
I might miss out a few other places
as well.

My mother who was from Canada
celebrated greatly inviting several
couples over for dinner for many
years. It was something she enjoyed
doing. Each year there were different
couples who came over. Each person
enjoyed the time.

I am sure the tradition of Boxing Day
was told differently. I heard that the
servants who had to serve on Christmas had their day right after.
Another story I heard was to go out
and serve the poor as well. Both are
good things for sure.

May your day be great. ♥♥♥♥

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Hey Merry Christmas

It has finally  arrived  Merry  Christmas 
to everyone.  

Important  for all of us to have  a 
positive attitude  about Christmas. 

For those who are alone we are 
thinking about you too. It is tough
for those  in that position.  I  have
been there myself. 

Our purpose  should  be to lift others
up especially  those who are in a 
state of loneliness.

Even though you may spend time with
family or friends  go out and see those
who are alone and pick them up. This 
is with a smile and a hello. May your  
day be bright.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Christmas Eve

Most everyone  has traditions this
time of  the year. This is a good 
thing to have.

It is good to have others to join
in who have no place to go. 

I remember  Christmas  eve past. 
My mother had Christmas Eve
church service where she was 
in the choir. The choir sang in
in two services. We we got older
we went  to the later service then
in high school  joined the choir

No longer in a choir though the
times were joyous. We often 
went to Seattle  for Christmas 
Day to see cousins. Later on
when my sister got married 
we went  to our brother-in-law 
parents on Christmas. 

 My mother was big on Boxing
Day so we had others come 
over. Those three  days were
very busy for sure.

I am sure you all have traditions
like this too. May your Christmas 
Eve and Daya blessing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Son's Birthday

We are about ready to celebrate  Jesus 
birthday on Wednesday.  Those who
believe in him have a great purpose 
as well. 

We were created in the image of  God
and do the purpose  he gave each of 
us to do. We are unique  people so
our purpose  is  different  than others.

We may have similar  gifts  and talents 
however the way we use them is different. 
This can come down to our personality 
and character.  I  use my humor often
to put my gifts to work. I have other 
ways as well.  There are those maybe
surprised what I  say at times however 
I  am to as well.  

I just want each of ours purpose  to 
increase in 2025. I  believe each grew
in 2024 however another step to take.
May today be used to bring out your
purpose  others can identify  and be

Sunday, December 22, 2024

About Family

Whether you  celebrate  Christmas or
not this is the season  family often
gets together

I am blessed to have a good family. 
The only downfall and it is big in
some regard is the distance.

I live on the west coast  of United States
while my sister is in eastern Canada 
and my brothern is  in eastern  United 

As you can imagine  we don't  see each
other very often. This year for Christmas 
holiday I decided to visit my sister and 
family. So far for the first few days it 
has been only my sister. This next week 
I will see her two sons along with new
new members including a partner, my
grandnephew and her parents.

I am blessed to have a good  family
though not perfect but better than
some. I  figure 2025 will be  a good
year to have a purpose  to improve 
families. This is especially  true for
those that are  is misfunction to be
kind that is.

Our lives are to short to keep things
bottled up. Take care of the areas
that are not going well and improve 
the situation  as best as we can.

At this point I wish you all a Merry 
Christmas and a happy new year
whether you celebrate either one
or not. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Knowing The Son

With Christmas almost here
tge purpose of Jesus Christ
was to die for our sins and
give us salvation. This is the
ultimate of our purpose to
follow his example.

Jesus said he did what the his
father told him to do. We need
to seek the Spirit of God and
do the same. 

We are commanded to love our
neighbor and that is a good spot
to start. Our gifts and talents
are to help others. This is our

If you are a musician as an example
your talent in that area for others to
enjoy you. In the old testament for
example David before becoming King
he played and helped King Saul when
playing the harp to calm down. I am 
sure there are people today who can
use a David in their lives.

My talent is to encourage you and
others to go after your purpose along
with enjoying a happy life.

May this holiday bring you much joy
and may 2025 be even better than
you have known.  ♥♥♥♥

Friday, December 20, 2024

Frustration Does Happen

It is frustrating when traveling
especially when comes to the 

I am sure anyone who does it
regularly is accustomed to it.
I prefer not to have the frustration
however that is life at the same
time. At least I was able to make 
my destination to Ottawa Ontario 

Despite frustration is important 
to keep our heads going in the 
fight direction. I think is important
to give our opinions at times too.

If you are traveling this time
of the year expect. errors at 
times too. Others enjoy when 
we have cool heads too.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Good Time To Shout

This  is  a good time of the year to
rejoice and have joy so let's  shout.

I  will  be on my trip to visit my
sister and meet her grandson
Findlay.  I figured the only way
to see my sister  again and meet
this young man was to visit.

I am sure this Christmas holiday 
will be one to remember.  I do
remember  about meeting his
father as a baby  and his Uncle
as well.  Going Christmas shopping 
with these two were fun.

I get to meet Findlay  mother and
her parents for the first time. We 
will have Christmas dinner at her
parents home.  I have met Rae
his mother on zoom meetings
even before he was born.  There
is nothing like in person  though.

The travel  is almost 12 hours 
with a couple layovers. The first
one is longer while the second
is just a little  over an hour.

May your holiday be good and
the memories last. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

2024 Coming to a Close

In January I thought the month
was going so slow. I suppose 
each month goes faster than
the month before. Now we 
are moving to 2025. Maybe
the same thing will happen.

We should do some planning 
for next year depending on 
what we want to do with our

There are somethings I want
to be involved in so see about
it all. The disciple group I am
involved in began in October 
however the work will happen
to begin with in January. It will
be interesting to see how each
group will increase and the
start of others. We plan for
each group not be large so
means to have a lot of groups.

We will be in contact online
through texting most of the
time. There will be videos to
watch on our own time. We 
will meet in person once a 
week or so. I will let you know
how it goes so if you desire to
disciple groups or mentoring
groups. Gathering with others
with similar purpose and giftings
be good too. 

May your holiday be good before
the new year begins.  ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Holiday Cheer

I want to give everyone  some 
holiday cheer. Be sure to  pass
it on.

I will be traveling  this week  to 
Ottawa Ontario  the capital of
Canada so I  will  show some 
photos here as well  as  my 
travel blog  

I look forward  to  meeting others
on my flights as well as when I 
am there.

I get to meet a greatnephew
and other grandparents for
the first time.  Be spending 
Christmas  with them. 

Have a great Christmas and
holiday season too.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, December 16, 2024

The Battle

It might seem different however
we can enjoy the battle. In fact
we may have peace in the battle.

Life is a battle and we must accept
that it is true. As we head into a
new year we must say what must
I do in the battle.

Though it doesn't look like it
at time we can have victory
in the midst of the battle. The
more we battle the more we 
understand our part. It doesn't
mean we won't fail at times. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Let Joy Ring

We often need to feel joy
and let ring high in our

We can be overcome with
sadness and depression
otherwise. Some depression
is medical however not all
of it. Depression can happen
for circumstances that make
it so.

This really where other people
in our lives can really help ud.
This is an important part of our
purpose to help others get over

Each person does express 
depression at times since
we are human after all. The
key is to know whether it is
a medical condition or not.
Prayer can be a way to 
overcome depression as well. 
Speaking out to God and ask 
for help.mWe don't always 
understand why so speaking 
to God is.good.

Realizing that depression is 
for a season or a period of 
time. In our minds we can 
meditate nas well and have 
things change for the better. 
A friend or someone we know 
has gone through  depression 
will help as well.  Have a smile 
on our face can be help too. 

This is the time of the year 
where we can feel alone. We 
must find a remedy for it. 
Amen!  ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Feeling Good About Ourselves

It is right when we feel good
about ourselves. The world
is a  better place.

Our purpose may put us in a
position where difficult situations
will make us feel different.

We are in a battle which means
the enemy will feel like they
have the upperhand when they
don't. We must have the faith
in the end we will be alright.

Those we deal with can feel
like we can't help them either.
In many cases being there is
half of the battle. Things might
not come out the way we think
it will however without us no
hope will happen. 

We are at service and pain is
involved sometimes and the story
won't come out right but we do
have to continue there is always
someone to help. ♥♥♥♥

Friday, December 13, 2024

Giving Hope

Now we are in  the  holiday  season 
it is important  to give other's hope.

It doesn't  matter  whether you  know
them or it is the first you have met.

You can do this whether at the 
place you have spent  time regularly 
or somewhere else.

It is important  since this time of
the year some people  are lonely 
or they have had someone they
lost recently in their life.

One of the instructors at the gym
I  go to lost her father  recently so
she is going through the grieving 
process. I  let her  know this week 
that the grieving can go for a while. 
We all deal with it differently. 

She has a sister who will be visiting 
during  the  holiday season. It has to
be tough for her as well  since earlier 
in the year she lost her husband.  So
good to  be together  even if the grieving 
is different  for each of them. 

I told the instructor  about the  loss of
my father though long ago. It is good 
to be personal  if the  other person is
open to it.

This is only  one  example of what
someone  is going through. Be there
for anyone. It can give you hope and
healing to.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Be Careful Out There

Whether it is our life purpose
or life in general it is important
for us to be careful out there.

The enemy called Satan hates
and wants to kill us. In fact he
would love us not have the
salvation that God has given
us the opportunity to have.

Satan knows that we live using
the tools God has given us it
will be hard for him to stop us.
This doesn't mean everyday he
doesn't stop trying. We have no
idea how many days we have
left in this life however we must
take the best use of it. ♥♥♥♥

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Doing Good

Our purpose should include
doing good for others.

Many religions feel salvation 
comes from doing good. This
is not true. We can not earn 
salvation by doing good. We 
do good because of salvation 
from Jesus Christ.

Doing good is not in our nature
no matter how hard we try. We 
were meant to do good when we
were created however sin has
entered us the day we were born.
Yes children look innocent but
we are still this way.

In Jesus Christ we become good.
This is where he are told we must
be born again. Being born again
is not in us except having a spiritual
reborn. It doesn't mean we will be
perfect in this life it happens in the
one that comes.

Your purpose includes doing good
the very best you can. ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Finding The Best In Others

It isn't always easy however it
is important to think the best
in others. This is what can 
make our purpose as well.

We are each unique and we
don't feel the others are like
us. There are those who are
bad or evil if you go that far.

Often people are not good by
the family or the atmosphere
they live in. They never receive
the love and respect they should.
These are the toughest ones
to be around and the challenge
to say the least. 

We may not be able to help these
people all on our own. We need 
to find others we know that have
gone through similar circumstances.
Sometimes we may feel that there
are those who are lost causes. As
long as we have life there is still
hope in another. At least we must
have the faith in our belief it is so.

Generally we spend time around
those who are a lot like us. It is
important to be around those who
are not at times. We can reach both
in regards to fulfill our purpose.
Showing love to all may change 
those who have not feel the love
in the past. ♥♥♥♥

Monday, December 9, 2024

Being Blessed

There is nothing better than
being blessed or blessing
others. This should be our
main goal in life and our

On Sunday morning at church
we were asked to raise our
hands if we had any pain in
our bodies no matter how bsd
or not. So I raised my hand.
Well I was blessed by about
a dozen kids who put their hands
on my arms. 

I didn't care if I was going to feel
better or not. It was their love
and care which made me feel

This is how most of us should act
and do. It doesn't even matter
if they said a word or not. Just
being there made me feel better.
We can do the same for anyone
else. Always good to have stories
like this. Amen! ♥♥♥♥

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Having Boundaries

When it comes to mentoring  it is 
important  to have those who you
mentor to set boundaries.  In fact
we all should.

Boundaries would include staying 
away from old friends that might
have bad influences on us. Often
parents will keep  their children  
away from those who they feel 
bad for them. Sometimes  it does 

Other boundaries  would be places
they have spent time at. We can all
need places that make us feel wanted
but in the end are lives changed in
a negative  manner.

It  is  important  at the beginning of
mentoring  to find out whether these
boundaries will effect them  positive 
or negative.  It is ok to take time to
setup  boundaries as well.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, December 6, 2024

Having Sympathy

I believe some people  believe
sympathy  and compassion  is
 the same thing. Others  may
think differently. 

Depending  where you live or the
culture meaning of sympathy  is 
different than compassion. 

I can see a person who hugs 
another in a tough situation 
and others saying that person 
is really compassionate.  I 
can see that when someone 
has lost a spouse,  a parent  
or a sibling  or anyone close
to them.

When the word sympathy  may
come out is what happened  in 
a certain  situation like a broken 
leg. A person  sympathize since
they have had the same thing.

It doesn't  one has a greater value 
than the other. The one that sympathize 
is showing compassion as well.  
Some people  may want to feel 
that someone  is showing sympathy 
though they may not consider it
compassion either.  

We can use the word enterchanged
and again where you are at or what
you feel.  I  can be known as a compas-
sionate person  and  person  seeing
sympathy  at the same  time. Again 
these words can work together.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Having Investments

These days it is important  that we have
investments  heading into our later years.
Right now a lot of people  are  trying to
have people  to invest into crypto currency 
through them.

The trouble is alot of people  are trying
to scam others.The important  thing is
to start with a small  amount and something 
you can afford to lose if you are scammed. 
These scammed will go after older persons
specifically  however beinga widow or
single can be targets to. Important  not to
give personal  information.  

The most important investment  is in family
and friends.  To care for weak and lonely. 
You plan to donate find organizations that
don't  pay their CEO's a lot of money like they 
a bank. Give to those who are investing  in
you as well. So may you have joy in investing 
and your return is good where you can help
others and do some  traveling too. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Being Truthful

It is important for us to
be truthful to all people
no matter what it might
cost us at the time.

Our purpose will be stronger
with telling the truth. Those
who become friends or who
we mentor  expect us to speak 
truth.  Others will see us as
a testimony  to be speaking 
truth no matter the situation.
This shows our character too.

May truth be strong in our lives
and bring joy. Amen!  ♥♥♥♥

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Humor Is Good Medicine

Whether teasing or using humor
it is good medicine. 

I come down to it being a part of
my purpose. I find sounding serious
then do the punch line. I like it when 
some don't get the lunch line either.

During the day putting a smile or
laughter is a good thing. We don't
know whstbkind of day others
are having so may make their
day better and may make ours
better too.

May you have a good day and
may laughter, humor and joy
be included.  ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

You Have Authority

We all have authority in
our life purpose to help
others in our purpose
especially if you are
a Christian.

When we were created 
God gave us a purpose 
which is our original
design. The human race
was given authority to
rule over the animals
of the earth. Only sin
has kept us from living
out the authority and
purpose he gave us.

In prayer and purpose
we have the authority
to help out our fellow
humans. This should
really excite us all.
This doesn't mean we
rule over others just
that we have the authority
to help others where
our purpose is concerned.

May your day be blessed
with the authority and
purpose you have.  ♥♥♥♥

Monday, December 2, 2024

Not Always Easy

Living a life of purpose
isn't always easy. In fact 
whose life is better than
someone elses. 

The great thing we know 
we do have  purpose. How
many know they have one?

Being a Christian knowing
that Jesus Christ died for
my sins  I didn't think much
about my purpose. I knew
God wanted to use me 
however that equal to
purpose in my life hadn't
been on my mind until
the church I attended 
merged with another.
Our church was renting
the other building when
one day both churches 
decided to merge.

Our church was the one
we merged with. They
were a little bit larger and
they owned the building.
They had a ministry called
Freedom Prayer. I became
a member of the ministry
team. There we found we
could be free of strongholds
that were keeping tangled
up and gave us what is 
called our original design
which leads to our life

On average there are four
people in a team praying 
for one individual. There
is a leader called a coach
and the other three are
called. The group first
prays and gives the original
design before going for
the stronghold. The stronghold
is something holding back
from doing your original
design or purpose. The
church normally has two
conferences a year on 
Freedom Prayer and the
prayer times happen after
that the rest of the year.

Again this doesn't make
our lives easier however
gives us freedom and a
purpose. Amen! ♥♥♥♥

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Your Friends

You recently found out you
life purpose than your friends
are the first ones to work on
so to speak. They are a major
reason being your friends. 

Our purpose begins with friends
and family. In fact your family
is your main purpose to live out.
They are to love and encourage.
What other gifts and talents you
have are important to them as
well as you. In the same way 
their purpose you play a big
role in.

Your spouse should be your
biggest encourager as you are
to them. This is where relationship
and love come in.  Your children
to help them to find their purpose
and to learn from them too.

Your friends are much like your
family. You can encourage them
and be there with your purpose
as they are for yours.

There are lot of other people to
be involved in your purpose. They
can be coworkers along with those
at church or the gym or wherever
you spend time at.  Most likely
some will be added to your friends

Sounds like you will be busy
and that is right since the reason
you are here. 

May you be blessed this weekend
and those who you spend time 
with. ♥♥♥♥