Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4

Good day everyone. I hope that everything is going well for you all. This date brings me back about twenty years ago when my cousin Peg her daughter Erin along with her fiancé at the time Dan sent out their wedding invitations. I remember it really well because on the invitation they said that the wedding date of March 4 was chosen because it is a commandment. Very cute especially if you speak it out and you figure out what they are saying. Go do so march fourth. I am sure if you know what I am saying you have figured out what they meant. If you have not yet think of a soldier who is meant to march; I am sure you now find it to be funny.
Erin and Dan wedding date I have found to be significant for March 4. Of course, for all of us being alive and hopefully healthy makes it a significant day in that matter. If we can take their advice to obey the commandment to march fourth than we can be mighty warriors in the land. Regardless of the country we are living in we can make a difference in every person we meet. We can fight for those around us that need help whether they realize it or not. I believe it can be our destiny to help out our fellow man whether they are family, friends or a stranger we have met for the first time. I encourage today that each person we meet is part of our family regardless if they look or act anything like us. In fact I believe it is important to treat those who are different us regardless of the manner we should encourage them. Whatever help we can do will make today a better day for us. It is like the story of the Good Samaritan who helped out someone they did not know. Who knows maybe tomorrow we will need the help ourselves. If you do not have money or food you can help them in a way that will not cost you anything other than the time. I believe it not only will help them it will help us as well. I hope this will help you today, tomorrow, and the days ahead. Enjoy and be blessed on this day March 4.

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