Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What Must We Do

 I try not to talk about politics or big news stories unless it happens in my area once in a while however these terrorist attacks need to be stopped.

Really shows to me why we have a purpose and destiny in this life at this time of the world. People need mighty champions that will make a difference around the world. First it begins with love and not being afraid to speak the truth. So often people are afraid to say something because of the whole political correct way of speaking; what makes it tough people can think that they will lose their jobs over what they say which in this day is unfortunately true.  Now I see that we are losing our freedom of speech slowly every day without even realizing it.

So much in this world whenever you speak truth people are thinking that you are hateful and instead of loving. This is really far from the truth. When not speaking truth means that you actually hate them. I know some people will say that I am wrong however speaking truth means that you are caring for the person. It is like your children not telling them that something they are doing is wrong and they could hurt themselves in the long run. Another example is not helping a friend who is going through drug problems and you don’t lift a finger to help them. If the person won’t accept what you are telling them at some point you may have to leave the relationship because of tough love. This is really what I am say is that there are times where we have to make a decision to leave the situation. We can hope at some point they will have their lives turn around. We can still love a person without agreeing with what they had done with their lives. This can be the hardest thing but must be done too.

So back to the subject I began with we must find a way as not only a country but the world to stop these radical terrorists are doing. I find it so unbelievable that they are having no problem killing those who are part of their own religion. It is sort of like over a hundred and fifty years ago and farther back then that where Native Americans were killing each other as much or more than the white man did.

I hope right now the military of not just the United States but other countries are in plans to kill all these radicals in the ISIS group. There are other terrorists besides them I am sure. I know that some leaders are just ignoring the situation but truly time to get rid of them. There is no way to change their way of thinking no matter how well intended we are. These people do not think in the same way that we do and we must recognize that fact. More we wait and not do anything the worse it will become. We must pray that wisdom will come to the leaders of our countries as well as to us. More we sit back and not do anything the worse things will become.

Whether we like it or not important for us to fight if it necessary to do so whether in the natural or supernatural realm; let your family and friends know where you are coming from regardless of the situation. Be sure doing everything in love. God bless you!

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