Thursday, September 1, 2016

Getting Back Into Routine

 I find that when I do travel whether by plane or car when returning it is hard to get back into my regular routine. It takes several days for me to feel things are back to normal. For example this is Thursday and I returned late Monday night so I figure things will seem normal by Saturday. I traveled to St. Louis last Thursday to attend my nephew Ian’s wedding on Saturday. It is hard to believe that it has been one week since I left though I was there for four days. It really shows me how time really goes by fast. I will feel this way even more so in another week.

It was really special going to St. Louis seeing family though the time was short with most of them. Besides the rehearsal dinner and the wedding reception we spent a little time at lunch both on Saturday and Sunday. Everyone arrived and left town at different times so it was briefer for some than others. My mother and I were the only ones that stayed over until Monday. All the rest of the family had to return home for work. My niece Leslie and sister-in-law Anne are both teachers so they had to be at school on Monday to get ready for the new school year. It would be nice to have spent longer time with each one but I knew it was going to happen this way. It is sort of like high school reunions that you attend and see your old classmates for only a few minutes. All these people are very special to me although they are not part of my everyday life. I have to say this is true even for those I see on a semi-regular basis. Outside of my mother those I consider friends or acquaintances I see no more than a couple times a week for a few minutes. I wish things were different but this what my life is like so I cherish every moment with people I care and love very much.

What I like so much about social media is that I can see posts of those that have been in my life over the years and what is going on in their lives. Many of these friends I see them seldom. Even those who I see once or twice a week in person it is nice to see what is going on in their lives on the other days I don’t see them.

I believe it is very special for those who see each other more frequently than once or twice a week. Usually those are family members that are living with you and co-workers. Others can be those you see at a coffee shop or when going grocery shopping. Most of them though are baristas and those working as cashiers. There are some people that I run into by accident in both places as well. This is why I call coffee shops and grocery stores special places to go. Whatever the case whoever I see whether once a week, once a month or once a year everyone in my life is special to me. It is important that they know that you feel that way for them. So it is nice to have a routine but more special when getting out of it too. Also good when life makes changes for the better.    

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