Sunday, July 9, 2017

Be Excited

 When we wake up in the morning we should be excited for a new day. It doesn’t mean that we will a great day because we do know that things happen and no day is perfect.

We should be excited by our job or whatever it is that we do with our day. Again it doesn’t mean that we will have days where things may not go wrong but most of the time we enjoy what we do. If this is not happening where we enjoy our job it is time to change what we have been doing. This is especially true if you feel obligated to what you’re doing. You feel that you can’t leave the job it may not be a bad ideal to change your routine so things could become better and your attitude at the same time. Our attitudes often get in the way of things when we are acting in a negative manner.

My experience if work is not enjoyable a good time to take a vacation to relax and get your head straight. When you return and things don’t seem to have improved this is a good time probably to move on.

Besides our jobs we should be excited in every area of our lives with family and friends. If we are not happy in these areas we need to make adjustment and decide to become happy. This is a choice we have to do being happy. It has not a lot to do with the circumstance as much as our attitude. Yes happiness is a choice on our behalf.

Let life be an adventure with excitement. Make every day feel like it should a day that has never happened and won’t be another like it. So begin this day with a smile and many blessings to you.

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