Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hello Rain!

 With fall arriving we always expect rain to reappear. This week it happened after not having much precipitation for seventy plus days. It was the hottest and lowest precipitation that I ever have recalled in Western Washington.

Wednesday when I went out for my walk in early morning the rain was coming down pretty good. Usually I don’t walk with an umbrella however I chose to this time. Thursday they expect more rain however summer temperatures are expected to return for the next week. Another thing I don’t remember is it being so warm this time of the year. In a week they are forecasting a high of 78 degrees. This week it has been in the mid-60s.

Though it was nice to have a summer like this one the return of rain has been welcomed because the grass and the trees have been very dry. It is again much different than I have seen in past years. If Western Washington is any example we do have global warming. I have heard that we may have a colder winter this year than the last several as well. It would be welcomed by some while others like the way it has been other than may be a lot of rain. Other than snow in the mountains people prefer it not to come in our cities here. I like having snow at least for a few days anyway. I remember being able to throw snow balls around instead of having to drive a couple hours to Mt. Rainier. I have to say it is the child in me that would like to see snow again.

I enjoy seeing the sun out here as often as it can because when fall happens and then winter the sun decides to stay away. Though the rain came back this week the sun did come out each day as well though only for a few minutes.

So again I say hello rain nice to see you even if it is for a few minutes here and there. We know that fall has arrived because it is when you make your appearance. Rain is what makes the grass and the trees look green and we here like seeing that too. Whatever the weather is makes the day nice and enjoyable. Peace whether rain or shine. This will be a wonderful day. Amen!

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