Monday, September 18, 2017


When it comes to a word super is an interesting one. We all want to be super at something whether it is being smart or strong. The reason that Superman has been so popular over the years and at some point we want to be just like him.

The thing about Superman is that we feel more like his alter ego Clark Kent most of the time and we would like to go into the booth and change into Superman.

I am here to tell us all that we are super in our own way. Of course we have issues that we are more like Clark Kent most of the time however we do have talents that only belong to us and that is the reason we are unique. Also this is the reason we are super as well. Superman has always being one of a kind and Clark Kent was like everyone else but we are more like Superman than we know. The great part of it is we don’t have to put on a cape or anything else in that matter.

Go out today and be that unique person that you are. Show others that super person that you are with all your powers that are unique to you. The thing is that you have to remember that they are super people as well in their unique way. You are not greater than anyone else but you are not less than anyone as well. I am sure that you will like that super person in you that you’re discovering more every day.

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