Friday, October 5, 2018

Gift of Kindness

One of the great gifts is to be kind to others. There isn’t enough of it going around in the world today.

Many people think they are being judged though they may not be at all.  While there are those who are being judged for how they act.

Self-righteousness is the hardest form of judgment. It is hard to balance especially what is going on in the world today.

We have to realize we are all sinners and we all fall short of the righteousness of God. What makes things difficult though is many people believe they are doing right while they are not at all.

I see so much in the world today people call good was bad twenty or thirty years ago. When they are called on it they believe they are being judged. It is a sad state of affairs our world is in today.

I am not here to judge however people need to realize they are not necessarily doing the right thing or what they believe is right either.

To say all that though is we still need to give kindness to others. It is truly the only way the world can change.

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