Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Lord My Shepherd

David who wrote Psalm 23 among many of them said the Lord his God was his shepherd and he lacked nothing at all. I know we feel at times we lack a lot but with God being our shepherd we don’t.

David when he killed Goliath and before becoming King of Israel he was a shepherd taking care of his family sheep. He knew his job was to take care of every sheep he was shepherd of. He knew every verse of this psalm he wrote about. He knew about lying down in green pastures, taking the sheep to quiet waters and being refreshed. Also he knew what it meant about walking through the valley of death and knowing God was with him. He knew he didn’t have to fear evil either. He knew his enemies and God set a table for him in front of them. He knew God’s love and mercy would follow him every day of his life and finally he would live with God forever.

What a powerful message for us all to hear, understand and life by. Not any easy task at all but this is how God wants to take care of us. Amen!

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