Saturday, May 30, 2020

We Are All Created For Purpose

It is so sad that not everyone realizes we all
were created for a purpose.

What happened in Minneapolis, Minnesota
this week when George Floyd a black man
was killed by a white police officer. 

It shows no matter what color your skin is
people are still hateful in that regard.

Where I live there isn't a lot of black people
but I see a lot of respect for those who are
in the community. Of course, I am not sure
how often they actually do get respect.

It isn't just color though. Anyone who is
different for whatever reason is looked 

Let's begin respecting each person as a 
child of God no matter what difference 
there is. 

We all have a purpose so let each one do
the purpose they are called to. Just because
we are different doesn't mean what we have
to offer isn't anything less important. Amen 

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