Friday, June 26, 2020

Development Of Our Purpose

We are all created for a purpose, however, when we s
tart developing the purpose is different for each one.

You would think our life purpose would begin at birth
for all of us. In a way it does but circumstances can
cause our development.

For instance, in my case I was not able to hear correctly
until I was five years old. So it meant I wasn't able to talk
English correctly like the other children my age until five
years old.

This meant I had to go to a speech therapist for a little
while then it took me several years to reach my reading
level. I made it to my life purpose though delayed in
a way.

Although I did my life purpose eventually I didn't really
realize I had a life purpose until a few years ago. I am
sure many people are in that boat. The importance is I
do know I have a purpose making it a lot more fun.
So with your children recognize their purpose, help
them to develop it. Amen!

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