Sunday, June 7, 2020

Free To Speak Our Minds

Here in the USA we are given freedom of speech.
Sometimes people get into trouble when doing so.

It happens sometimes when you speak what you 
think is the truth or what you believe. Other times
people can misinterpret what you are saying as well

We do have some people who just hateful so they 
will express the hate. Those are the ones that they
believe in their own truth or beliefs. 

Those who are misinterpreted because people want
to believe something they actually didn't say. For
those people I say keep on talking. Some people
will believe you. You are not saying it out of hate.

I wrote on Facebook the other day we should have
black and white officers working together. Some
figured black cops for black people and white cops
for white people. I didn't say that at all.

Black people shouldn't be afraid so having a black
police office along with the white officer will help
in the situation. This could help the white people
as well.

I only said it as a suggestion as well. All I know there
is a problem; we must find a way to solve it. 

Either white police officers need to change how they
act around black people or have a black officer to
be sure nothing dangerous happens.

If I am wrong so be it. Again it was only a suggestion. 

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