Thursday, June 11, 2020

What We Are Capable Of

Did you know we are capable of a lot more than
we accomplish.

We use a lot less of our brain than we are capable
of. It includes the smartest person in the world.
Could you imagine if we used more of our brain.

We don't accomplish what we are capable of 
because of our sinful nature or what I may call
our selfish nature. We should rely more on God
as well. In fact, we would accomplish more by
relying on God.

I am not saying these things to make us feel
guilty at all. I just think we can all do a lot

We all keep a busy schedule, however, what 
would it be like if we could add one more thing
to do each day. We might be able to change the
world or at least put a dent into it.

I know not everyone can do so, but those who
can I am sure the world will change. So do your
part the best you can. Amen!

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