Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Gifts Given To Us

When it comes to gifts given to us there are
two categories the natural and supernatural. 

We can have a gift like wisdom. In our natural
we can be be naturally smart. For instance, in
my family we are all to some degree to be
smart. Some are more smarter than others 
though it is hard to really know since everyone
is smart in one fashion or another.

Wisdom for the most part is a supernatural 
gift. Those God has given the gift of wisdom
allows it to be used at specific times. For 
instance, you may need to hear a word of 
wisdom so God will give the person who
has that gift to give the word of wisdom 
to you.  This will go for other gifts as well.

You may know both the natural and supernatural
gifts God has given you. The natural gifts 
you will use a lot of the time while the 
supernatural gifts will be given when needed.
The most important thing is to be prepared
to use either the natural or supernatural gifts.

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