Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My Plans Changed For Today

I was supposed to be going to Everson, Washington
today, however, the plans have been changed. My
cousin Peg said she couldn't go today something 
came up.

I was disappointed at first, however, I am sure 
something else will happen. Actually there is an
event happening tonight I wasn't going to be able
to attend so now I will unless it gets pushed back
as well.

I could still take a trip up that way but I figure
I will wait until Peg has a new date. It will probably
happen in the next week or two.

There is another possibility is to go visit her on
Whidbey Island. She mentioned it already even
doing so today but then thought I wouldn't want
to be part of the company coming for the day.

She had company over the weekend so is tired
from it so a major reason postponing the trip.

We all find times of disappointment don't we.
Life has changes happening all the time we 
just have to figure to go with the bounces.

Anyway have yourself a good day. God bless you!

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