Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Looking at Life Purpose

How do you define your life purpose. Is it something
you find as part of your everyday life or something
you think about once in a while.

I know people see their life purpose differently
depending on their religion if they have one
or from a natural way.

I see life purpose on who God did so from the
beginning. We are created each for a purpose
in a unique way. 

There is one way we have a purpose; it is to
love God and serve him. To worship him with
all our heart, mind and soul. The way we do
it is unique to us in the same manner as everything

We have been given specific gifts and talents we
don't share with anyone else. It seems so interesting
since there are millions of us here right now and 
billions throughout the ages but God didn't make
a mistake making each of us unique.

We are to worship God with these gifts and talents
well as using them for a purpose. The purpose 
besides worshiping God is to help one another.
We can do so in our own way. In fact we do so
without realizing we are doing so.

These gifts and talents you are using right now.
You may have other ways to use them besides
how you are right now. 

When you retire from work doesn't mean you
retire from the human race. The gifts and talents
you used at work will be used in a different way
when you don't have a job to go to. 

There is a good possibly you will enjoy doing
the work you have after retiring. If you are 
retire find out how to go about doing so. Doing
so will be different for you then other people
since you are unique.

I know I have said unique several times over
here but it is true. So go out and do what you
feel is right. God will let you know whether
you are doing it right or not. Your life could
change in ways you didn't expect. Amen!

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