Saturday, November 7, 2020

Life Goes On

I have to say the presidential election isn't
quite going the way I was hoping it would,
however, life will go on.

My faith is such no matter who is president
of the United States won't change that. I am
not a big fan of President Trump but things
could be dicer than it is right now.

The race isn't over yet but it does look like
Joe Biden is going to be our President. I 
don't have as big problem with him as I
do his running mate and the democrat
party. I hope he is able to make it through
all four years.

Our largest city here in Washington State
Seattle is terrible and it is run by democrats.
I don't get how they don't see it. The democrats
at the state level are not much better. At least
in my district people had more common sense
when electing representatives to the state

I know there are those having a hard time with
what is going on in politics but life has to go
on or we drive ourselves crazy. 

Wherever you are from whether you like your
government or not have the faith to push through.
Life certainly has its ups and downs I wish the
ups be with you always. Amen!

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