Monday, November 9, 2020

Trusting Others

The hardest thing to do today is trusting others.
This is either in person or on line.

On line it is difficult especially if they ask for
something from you without meeting first.

Most of the time they will ask for money or
something equal to money. Do not give them
money. Possibly a gift card but only in a small
amount you can afford to lose. Don't do it often
either. They start asking for higher amount stop
right there. 

When they start complaining that you don't trust
them then explain you haven't met them as of  yet.
They say a sad story it is a good time to stop.

My best advice is not to start a relationship online
with anyone you haven't met before. If you do or
have you will find the problem pretty quickly most
of the time.

Trusting someone in person may work the same way,
however, you have met them. You still should be careful
with them too. Listen to how they talk. Are they wanting
to get something out of you besides friendship.

These days trust is hard to come by and it is earned.

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