Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Giving Away

In the spirit of Christmas I figure we get
a present we don't really want to keep a
good idea would be to give it away.

I know often people will exchange gifts
but maybe this time give it to someone
in need. Of course, it would depend in
what the gift is as well. You wouldn't 
want someone even in need to have 
something you don't want either,

I remember as a child my Aunt Marian
would always send clothes for my brothers
and I. Aunt Marian didn't know what size
we were. Usually the size of clothes were
the same as our ages.

Whatever present was for older brother 
went to my younger brother. My mom 
would exchange my gift and my younger
brothers for me and my older brother.
This happened for a long time.

I believe we were in high school when
Aunt Marian decided to give us other 
gifts that had nothing to do with clothes.
Mom was relieved she didn't have to go
exchange gifts any longer.

I always liked my gift from Aunt Marian
though I could never wear it and the thing
is mom could never get the same clothes
in return though she tried real hard.

Anyway my suggestion give away at least
one gift. I am sure you will feel good about
it. Merry Christmas.

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