Friday, March 5, 2021

Meeting the challenge

I know it has been only a few days however I hope 
you have started the challenge of meeting new people.

As I said I try to find people at the coffee shop I go
 to and the grocery store. On Wednesday I was able 
to meet several people when I had my shot for the 
vaccine. By the way the vaccine was ok though my
 shoulder hurt a little bit. They required to wait
 fifteen minutes after the shot before leaving to be 
sure feeling fine. They offered water and orange juice.
 I had a hard time opening the orange juice. One of 
the gals in the group says I am an elementary school 
teacher I do this a lot. I couldn't believe how fast 
she opened it. 

Remember social distancing should not keep you 
from meeting new people either. I have never had 
any problem doing so. If you have problem talking
 to someone you have never met just take the chance
 and see what happens. I know it isn't for everyone 
but doing so you may have met a new friend. Amen!

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