Sunday, June 13, 2021

Summer Coming Soon

Like you hear in some of the old
movies "read all about it summer
is coming soon".

Not exactly however I am sure 
you understand what I am saying.
Summer is arriving in just over a
week. Here in Western Washington
we are expecting a good rainfall
going into summer. Most likely
we will have some rain into the
end of June and early July. 

The temperatures will be summer
like but still rain will come. We
expecting Sunday to get a lot of
rain. Our rainfall already is more
than what we had in April or May
for June. We are right about half
the rain we get for the year so we
should be about the average this
year too. 

I know many here are looking 
forward to everything opening 
up once again. Here in Washington
everything is expected to open
except gatherings over ten thousand
indoors are expected to wear masks
and social distance. 

Though most people will look 
forward to taking off their masks
for most occasions I am sure we
will still see some still going around
wearing their masks. Those with
health risks I understand the rest
I shake my head. The most important
thing though we are able to make
the choice ourselves which is a 
good thing and should have been
done some time ago. Amen!

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