Thursday, July 1, 2021

Back To Normal

When it comes to the weather here
where we had a heat wave for four
days then now back to normal feels

I stayed indoors for most of the time
with the temperatures between 100
and 115 depending where you were.

I got out to go grocery shopping and
the local coffee shop. Both places had
good air conditioning. Go to the beer
section of the grocery store always
feels like your in a freezer and the
coffee shop was cool as well.

I have met a few new people I am 
following on social media that I
would call good encouragers. They
lift my spirits each time I read what
they have wrote. 

They encourage by saying it is ok
to be yourself since this is the person
you are. In another way it doesn't 
matter what anyone says about you.

The big term being around these days
is about being judged by others. I don't
really think much about being judged 
by others though it is nice to liked by
as many people as possible. I know we
will not be liked by everyone but it is
nice by some. Right!

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