Saturday, July 3, 2021


Here in the United States we have
reopened one hundred percent since
March 2020. Wherever you are I
hope things have gotten a lot better
as well.

Going back to March 2020 my mother
passed away on the sixth. It was because
of old age not covid. I was in the grieving
process for at least two months. It was
frustrating because we couldn't have a
regular service for mother as far as
attendance. At least we were able to 
have one since restrictions went on
just a few days later. I had two classmates
from high school who both lost their 
fathers a few weeks later and couldn't
have a service for them.

Another thing during the grieving process
I was not able to see people either since
the state was in lockdown sort of speaking.
They say during grieving process you 
should spend time with others. The only
time I was able to do so was over the phone
or when I went grocery shopping. I kept 
busy clearing things out of the place. 

So for me the whole time for me over the
next year or longer I didn't treat the pandemic
like others did. It really wasn't important to
me. The restrictions didn't allow me to do
things that I would normally do when a
loved one has died. 

Besides cleaning up, grocery shopping, 
talking on the phone and social media I
went for walks. I didn't wear a mask while
walking as there was no one for the most
part not walking and if someone was
talking I kept my social distancing. So 
you see I lived as close to normal as I
could under restriction.

When places like coffee shops were 
reopened I visited those establishments
to. I got my vaccine shot in March. I
know some who haven't gotten the shot
which is their own business just as mine
for getting one. The main reason I got a
shot was so I can go back to Canada
where I have relatives including my

I hope wherever you are at live is back
to normal or at least as close to it as
can be. Don't let fear be your master
while at the same time be smart and
safe. Amen!

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