Thursday, October 26, 2023

Getting To Know Someone

Getting  to know someone  all depends 
on the circumstances.  Are they the
same sex, opposite  sex, married or single.

The same  sex would be knowing them and
about being  friends or mentoring them. 

The opposite sex can be more difficult.  If
they are married  then being friends casually. 

They are single and you are as well whether 
you want to pursue a relationship; to find out
about any feelings for them.  Are you only
attracted by their appearance.  What the
future  may look like.

Having strong feelings  for the opposite sex
and single seeing a long relationship. Falling
in love and seeing  how  each of your purpose 
may work together.  Your purposes could be
different however they can be such where
the world will be more effected. Time will 

So whatever area of knowing someone best
to you  all and me too. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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