Saturday, May 4, 2024

Being Independent

Growing  up  where I  have lived was shown
to be independent.  There is some positive 
things about it but can be negative  to.

I am sure people  who live elsewhere where
freedom  and  independence  is not known
wish they could  have  it. The purks are good
but to rely on it can be trouble when circumstances 
are not good.

I was raised to be independent  however it would 
have been  nice to have more limitations. I could 
do almost anything  I wanted although I  told my
parents  where I  was going. I mostly  went the 
same places.  To my best two friends homes
or to the park.

As an adult  I  rely on myself which isn't always 
good. I  read in 1 Corinthians  9 apostle Paul
said he is free however he chooses to act as a
slave for everyone  else. It may not be easy but
I  would like to do the same.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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