Sunday, May 19, 2024

God or Creator

I don't think those who consider
themselves an atheist is telling
the truth. They might be fooling 

God himself says in our heart we
know there is a creator. Living life 
with a purpose can only happen
truly believing in God. Those who
live as though there is no God
would find it hard to have a purpose. 

Without God your purpose would 
totally depend on yourself. You
can live that way however what
would come of your purpose.

I have lived a life of uncertainty
like others however knowing I
am here for a reason certainly
makes life a whole lot better.
It takes faith and belief to accomplish
what we can. 

This is all I want us all to think about 
at this time. Of course if you have
any questions ssk God.  ♥♥♥♥

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