Thursday, May 2, 2024

Learn From Each Other

We can learn so much from
each  other  or from ourselves.
This  can come from  being 
in small  groups or one on

On Wednesday  night the 
home group  I  attend we 
broke up into  pairs except  
the group I  was in because 
we had an odd amount of

We reading and discussing 
from Matthew 6 versus 19
through 24. When we were 
done the whole group  got
back together. Someone 
from each pairs spoke what
they got out of the versus 
we read and discussed.

It was amazing  to hear 
how each group received 
ideas on the same thing
we were reading. 

As one of the guys who
spoke from his group what
a great exercise this was.

Our life purpose  is not only
unique  how we see things 
are unique. We all come from
different  backgrounds. 

As what was mentioned  being
a good exercise we can learn 
by breaking  down whatever 
it is we read. We may read two
or three chapters at a time 
however wouldn't  be  good
to spend a few extra minutes 
to look at a sentence or two
or a paragraph to find out
more what we think of what 
we just read.

I hope this helps you out. We 
all can get new perceptives
and our lives can change in
some way.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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