Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Freshness

Sometimes  our purpose can change.
It can deal with circumstances  or 
the location we live. 

We have new job or we move because 
of the job. We might move for our
spouse and their new job.

These days many are still working
remotely so makes moving much

This would give a new freshness
to our life purpose.  As humans
our purpose can become stale 
like anything else.

God wants us have a freshness
in our relationship with him as
well as our purpose. Besides 
anew location God may give
us new talents  to what we

Not only should our purpose 
feel fresh we may have to
slow down in the process.
Those who are not into
vacation  may look at doing
so. A short break can bring
a freshness along with a
new perspective. 

Another thing to think about.
Our lives should be exciting 
and not feel we are doing
so for loyalty only.


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