Saturday, June 22, 2024

Having and Making Plans

As summer  begins  here in Western Washington 
I have plans already  made as I  am sure others 
do as well.

Here we had a wet April  and  May along  with
the beginning  of June. This week we have 
gotten  some summer  weather.  July is
always the  best month in the weather department. 

For visitors  July is the month to come here.
I  begin on July  4th  going to annual  family 
reunion luncheon  and  softball game up north
in Bellingham.  For those who don't  know 
Bellingham  is only a few miles from the Canadian 
border to British Columbia.

This reunion will  be  made up my second cousins 
families with children and grandchildren.  We meet 
at a local park near a lake. It is about two and a half 
hour drive for me. I  always  make at least one
stop on the way at a rest area for a few minutes.

My brother  Jack will be visiting  for a few days 
at the end of July coming from Virginia. He has
a high school  reunion included. My usual things
going on the rest of July.

No plans yet for August however  early September 
I will be going to British  Columbia  to visit a couple 
of my first cousins  who live there. I  will miss out
one so I  will have to make plans with him next year.

Christmas  time Iplan to visit my sister and family 
back in eastern Canada for at least a couple weeks.
I am looking to make other plans for travel in 2025.
Where I go will depend on the cost as well.

So as you are living out your purpose  I wish the
best in your plans as well. The most important is
having and being healthy. Amen!


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