Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Battle Of Dieting

A major player in our battle is avoiding
the lusts  of the flesh as spoken in 
Galatians 5:16. We have heard to not
be a lover of money. This doesn't mean
we can't have a lot of money it means
not to love it to control us. 

Most of us have addiction of some kind.
This is where we must decide to lay off
those addictions. I mentioned dieting in
the title since is a major player for most
of us.

Many people diet however it only last
for a while instead of a lifetime. Much
like being an alcoholic. We should have
someone to be accountable to. Also, 
having a journal where we can write
down our struggles with food or what
other desires of the flesh.

I am sure many don't feel as though 
they are in a battle with the flesh
since is a normal part of their daily
living however it is true. Most who
die young is for these reasons.

To be able to eat healthy is to lay
off some foods and to eat smaller
portions. Between meals is to have
fruit or drink water. I have to watch
eating foods with a lot of salt in
them. I buy foods with small amount
of salt. I have done it for a lot of years
now that having little salt doesn't 
bother me. 

Besides eating smaller portions it
is a good idea to miss a meal once
in a while. Which one depends on
you. Not easy since you miss a meal
the next time you may eat more. Not
always bad especially if you don't 
eat as much as two combined meals.

I would suggest skipping dinner as
the one you miss. The major reason
is most of us don't have as much
physical exercise after dinner. If
you are one that likes to have a
snack before bed it would be a
good idea to stop that. It may not 
be easy so have smaller portion
or begin missing once a week if
you do so every evening. 

Like every battle we are in is to
go to God for our assistance.
I wish you the very best and
remember I am in the battle too.


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