Saturday, June 15, 2024

What Freedom Brings

Freedom  brings more than  responsibility.
It allows you to have joy, peace, happiness 
and faith.

We can choose to go traveling any time
we want as long planes are available if
we are  going  a distance.  We can travel 
by car , boat or railroad too.

We can choose to go to any church or
any place of worship. We can choose 
God himself  we desire too. Not that 
it may be difficult.  

With freedom others can choose to tell 
you what they feel as it stays within the 
law. They can throw  insults though they 
can't  physically hurt you without  going 
to prison if found guilty.

As I have mentioned we have freedom of
speech. Again this takes responsibility 
to say what you want. Though you can 
say anything  in reason consequences
can happen. We have freedom of having
a job of our choosing as long as someone 
wants to hire us. Though a business  can't 
choose to hire you for age, race or religion 
among other things they can hire someone 
else they feel  have better  education. Some 
jobs have many applicants so you might not
get the job for you age, race or religion but
it is hard to prove.

There are other things that come with freedom
like living our life purpose. We can explore our
minds to share what we feel with others.

May you be blessed  today and enjoy your weekend.

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