Thursday, July 25, 2024


God created mankind to rule over
the world and all the creatures.
For several thousands years we
haven't done a very good job of
it for our sins and selfishness.

Now things haven't changed a 
whole lot though technology
has increased.  A major reason
is what people are calling good
as being bad now. The same 
goes the other way.

I had a someone the other day
who criticized me for how
I wrote about having good 
character. Didn't like I thought
President candidate Kamala 
was a bit of a joke. Maybe I was 
bit harsh on the subject. 

I do understand how people
believe President Trump does
have character issues though
I believe President Biden and
Harris have issues to. It is 
harder to see their character 
flaws than Trump however
they are there. 

I believe many of us have 
character flaws however
we are good at hiding them.
Satan had the greatest character
flaws of any creature ever. The thing
is he can hide them very well
and many seem angel of light.

These days s lot of people are
scaming others and the are very
good at what they do. 

Mankind is not going to do
any better for a while. In fact
things won't be good until
we recognize God and his love
for us. To recognize the great
gifts and talents he has given
to and an honor for a great 

Oh by the way I am not voting 
for Harris or Trump if you
are wondering. I do think
Trump most likely will be
President once again. Yes he
does have character issues
but we have with them
as we do with our own.


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