Sunday, July 28, 2024

Where are the Righteous

A big question is where  are 
the righteous. There are not
a lot of them around. Those
who truly act like God are
the righteous ones. 

They are really hard to find
the righteous ones. They
are humble and true to

The world are full of those
who are self righteous putting
themselves ahead of everyone.
They may act as righteous 
however they really not. 

It is really hard since many
act as they are for others
but only for their on selfish
good. The reason that many
are deceived and lose thousands
of dollars. 

We don't really know other 
peoples hearts.  We may
even have same kind of
heart.  Important to have
discernment and be careful
to.  ♥♥♥♥

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