Friday, August 30, 2024

Nothing is Impossible

We must have the faith that
nothing is impossible with
God. Luke 1:37

We were created to do the
impossible. No always easy 
or sound possible for sure.

A couple years ago an older
than me anyway said the I
have great faith.  I was 
surprised he said that. He
might have been speaking 
about the future than today
or in the past. It is part of
my purpose and destiny.
If nothing else is to tell others
they have faith as well.

Jesus Christ said that are faith 
can be the size of a mustard seed.
We don't have to measure our faith
or compare it with others. The
importance is to believe we have

              The mustard seed

Go out do what you may think is 
impossible for you and do it. Even
those things that you are possible 
as well. You have a buck list don't
take long to accomplish them. 

May you do the possible and
impossible beginning today.

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