Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Lift Ourselves Up

No matter how well our lives
are going we all go through
times of depression or
discouragement. The question
is what will do about it.

The reason we have family
and friends is to help us 
through these times. The
reason we have professionals
is for those who have gone
further down and need more

God is who we should go to
for help too. Sometimes we
have to go way down before
asking God's help or others

We live in a natural world
however there is a spiritual
world as well. Since the
physical world we can see
however the spiritual world
isn't quite as easy. Some
can see it while many can't.
It takes faith to look into
it. Also our gifts will line
up with the spiritual.

Now when it comes to be
depressed or discouraged
can be either physical or
spiritual or the combination
of both. We are in a spiritual
war as well so this can be
tough sometimes. First of
all we need to confess we
have a place in why we feel
as we do even when others
could be part of the problem
as well. We can go and find
out first whether physical
or not.

In the end it comes down to
whether we want to stay where
we are at or not. I know this
since I spend some time in
this to. We can go to those
who fought this  and won.

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