Sunday, October 13, 2024

The First Step

When it comes to our life purpose  is  
to begin with what we know. 

This is when we discover our purpose
or we want to get back to it if we 
haven't  done it for a while.

What we know is what is important  to  
us and we are very good at it too. God
gave us tge gifts and talents to live a
successful life and the most important 
thing is to help others.

I know that I am big on lists so again
you can make a list of what is important 
to you. The  first on the list should be
God and family.  Friends and those you
work with be next. Naming all those 
things you are good at and are important. 

We can share all these important things
with family, friends and co-workers.  
These can be those on the list that has
nothing to do with that are the very top
of the list since you are sharing  them

Those at the top  of  the  list you can
share with new people. Those you
may meet. Often the top of the list
is what you do for work or do regular 
outside of work. You might be part
of a group  or organization.  In these
two areas you will likely  meet new
people on a regular basis. They are
the ones you will now influence as
part of your purpose. 

We don't  always  have  to  go out
of our way to meet  new people. 
It generally  happens in our daily
lives.  You feel that  you may have
more time to know more people 
then you can find a cause that is
important  to  you.  They may be
something  you already do or not.
All leads to more opportunities. 

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