Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Our Job and Career

Though our life purpose  is  more then that
job and career is important  piece of it.

Sometimes  people change jobs and careers
several times during the working life. For
instance my brother  has had the career 
in being a business consultant he has had
four different jobs. The company he works 
for now he will  end with retirement. 

He has worked the longest for this current 
firm as well.  Hecis going to get  two pensions
from the first two though not as much with
the last two firms. These last two he gets
an IRA instead. Though his career has been
business  consulting he worked differently 
with each company. 

My brother used his talents to carve a good
career however it moved into the other areas
like his marriage  and  raising  children. All
his children are adults now and he is a grand
father too. We he retires he will use his talents 
and gifts to do other things.  It is always an
adjustments  when that happens. 

Whether you are still working  or  you are 
retired you have high value in your purpose. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Family, Love And Loyalty

On Monday  I was at the gym and I saw a 
guy wearing a shirt that said family, love 
and loyalty  on the back of it. I  thought
the guy had the right thought.

A lot of  people  have  shirts on that have
words and they are not all good. He was
starting the right message.  In our world  
or at least the one I  see some times or
read about this is far from it.

I fortunately able  to  find people  who
share some of the same values I do.
Not sure what the percentage  is however
they are kind to one another for most

I  would put love at the top of list followed
by family and loyalty.  It is so important 
we are loyal to our family and those we 
feel  the closest to.  

I enjoy seeing  those at the gym even if
it is only once in a while. I  like the fact
I  have gotten to know more of them.
I  would call them to be circle of friends 
to some degree. Often friends become
family since we may spend more time
with them  besides family.  I  am  saying 
about our grown siblings then  our spouse 
and children. It doesn't  take away what
they mean to us.  

So maybe this is a good motto to have
family, love and loyalty.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, November 4, 2024

Our Age

When it comes to our age we may wonder
if we have anything  to  offer to others and
whether we do have a  purpose in our life.

It is a fair question  to  ask. The three age
groups that may have doubt and wonder 
if they have anything to offer. There is
the youth, middle  age and seniors.

The youth who are not sure they are ready
yet. It is  the parents who can teach team 
that they have a purpose.  The youth can
help help other youths. They can be bold to 
share with those who are older then them.

Middle  age may wonder whether there are
leaning toward the senior group. They have
children in college  or they have grandchildren.
You still have words of wisdom to share with
those who are young and with those who are
in college  you can always ask how they are
doing. You can let them know your experience 
when you were their age. You can speak with
those in your age group who are going through 
the same transition you are and you can let
seniors know they are not forgotten.

Seniors can  be  a  tough time since often those
younger have forgotten  about you and what the
experience  you have to help them to continue in
life. For those who  are  seniors this could be the
greatest time in your life purpose.  Don't  let  fear
or doubt eat you up. You  have the time and you
can spend it with other seniors to encourage. 
Keep your eyes open for those around you. Don't 
let any health issues  get in the way either.

We all need each other regardless  of each one's
age. Our gifts and talents should be shared with
anyone you come into contact with.  When you
wake up ask God what you can do today. Meditate
and see what comes to your mind. Pray those need
to hear what comes to your mind. You can ask for
even one word to share.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, November 3, 2024

About Your Experience

In the last post I  wrote about
opening our eyes and about 
looking for others  experiences. 

I hope it all goes well  for each 
of us. It doesn't  matter how old
we are to share where we have
been and where we want to go.

God has a big plan for each of 
us greater than we know. I  have
a friend and fellow church member
at a young age got hooked on drugs.
As a young adult he landed in jail. 
He heard about Jesus  Christ while
in prison and his life turned around.

Now he visits  prisons sharing not
only Jesus  Christ however his life
experience.  God turned him around
to help others who went through the
same thing.

Not everyone  will accept  what we
say however if one person  life turns
than it is worth  it. This is what I  do
with this blog. Whoever has a life
change or has improvement to their
life I am doing a good  thing and doing
what I am here for.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Keeping Your Eyes Open

It s so important  we keep  our eyes
open to those who become part of 
our circle.  Those we may have not 
known before or we didn't  think 
would  be in the group. 

There are people that can use our
purpose  and we can use their's  
as well. We can all use a group 
of friends that can make us even 

We should tell others our life 
experiences that will be an
impact on their lives. The 
best way though is to have
them open up about their's.
This happens  more one on 

In a group  setting we can 
speak our experiences more
easily when the opportunity 

A good way to encourage 
others is for them to open
up. Our similarities and
differences can be an impact
on everyone  involved. We
should known we are here
together.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, November 1, 2024

Looking Ahead

Whatever obstacles  we have gone 
through  we can still ahead to the
future as well as the present time.

It is okay to  take a little time  off
though should keep in touch with
those who are friends and the ones
you have mentored or part of your
life purpose. 

It doesn't  mean  while taking  the
time off you have to spend a lot
of talking to them. You can email
or text message or talk on the
phone letting  them know though
you are taking a short break they 
are still on your mind. 

If you made any appointments  
during the time off you can 
extend them depending on the
person. How much time off 
depends on you. For some it
could be a week  or  a month.
Energizing yourself and having
your mind in is a good thing.
Think like you are on vacation 
and you can take a vacation if
it is the best way to energize.

Looking ahead and making plans
is always a good idea although 
today is still the most important 
thing. If you are studying to help
becoming  better person  in doing
your purpose it is good to begin
those exercises  as soon as possible.

May you have a wonderful  weekend 
and your rest or whatever your plans
for it go well.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️