Monday, January 20, 2025

We Need To Represent Church

There are those who forget 
what it means to live a Christian
life. There are those who believe
there is no God or he is a hateful 
God or whatever else.

It is all about grace and mercy
along with what Jesus Christ
did on the cross. 

No matter what we are sinners
however it isn't the end of the
story and only the beginning. 
Those who are true believers
of Jesus Christ is to share the
good news. 

The trouble is not only there
are those who act like those 
who don't believe are going
to hell they are giving judgment.
The truth is we are not to judge
those in the world and only those
in the church who act no better
than the world. Only God's job
to judge those not in the church.
He knows people's motives and
there will be some who believe
but don't attend church. They
will go to heaven while there
will be those in church will go
to hell. Again not my job to
say who. My job is to do the
purpose God gave me.

The other group is those think
they are believers and have a
religious spirit. They are the
ones that don't help either. 
I am not here again to judge 
them on my own. It is the 
leadership of the church they
attend. Also in that group can
be those who are followers of
Satan disguising as christians.

People in the world don't know
the difference in some cases.
All I know is to treat everyone
the same and the best I can. 
There will be some where have
to be bold and be in war against
however they are not many of
them around.

I hope you understand my heart.
You become a believer if you are
not be great. Again that is between
you and God. All I can do is give
the good news.  ♥♥♥♥

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