of others lives while some may think
they have a boring life.
I had a woman text me saying that
I have a boring life. I had to laugh.
She only knows only a part of my
life where I go to the gym a lot
and out for coffee.
She doesn't know how I impact
others lives whether writing or
in person. I responded to her
in what other things I do.
I don't have a lot of ideas
what she does. I know she
is traveling right now and
vacating. She is returning
soon to Denver Colorado
to take care of some clients.
She lives in Western Washington
about 30 minutes from me.
We have never met and have
chatted a few times online.
I am sure she believes she
has an exciting life and she
probably does.
The question though does she
live up to her life purpose. I
can't answer that only she can.
I know in my case I am living
to my purpose and I know it
will even get better. That is all
any of us can say.
Our lives may seem to be routine
however it does mean we that
each day turns out the same.
May you have a wonderful and
exciting weekend. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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