Saturday, February 22, 2025

Some Memories Do Stay

Thursday  morning  I  had breakfast  with  
a few classmates as we do once a month.

One memory  came out. I  was asked if 
I still follow baseball. I said yes I  do.

One guy said don't  you all remember  how
much Herb new about baseball  and  that
was in third grade. They all nodded  their
heads.  He then said I don't know how you
did it. I  didn't  give my secret away.

It was somewhat amazing since I  could
read very good at the time after starting 
to talk at five years old. It had been only 
four years. I  believe I was good at numbers
and I  could remember somethings very 
easywith ripition. Going over and over 
each day.

This comes down to what talent some
have that others don't.  I  am  sure you
have talents  others are surprised by. 

May you use your talents  to  the fullest. 

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