Monday, December 16, 2013


On Saturday Dec 14 I went up to Seattle to visit my cousin Jennifer and husband Holt.  It was a very good time showing the area she grew up in Magnolia. It has been a long time since I had been there. Other than a few new building it didn’t seem much different. Also, went out for Greek food.

I have to say I am blessed to having a wonderful family. It is hard to say because I know that a lot of people can’t say that.  Though we have been blessed my family has gone through a lot of hard times as well. I lost my older brother, brother-in-law, and some cousins before their time.  I even have relatives now who are or have struggled through health issues over a period of time. Those are still here along with those who have gone I think about them a lot.

Why I say it is hard to write because I know there are those out there that have gone through even worse situations than my family.  It may have to do with alcohol, drugs, broken relationships, or even worse things we don’t really want to talk about.  I don’t want to be cruel but the major problem has to do with selfishness either on our part or someone else’s. The reason I have insecurities is because other’s were selfish and put that on me.  It is not all their fault because I listen and believed their lies. I am sure that I have done the same thing though I don’t recall.  We can blame on other things like we inherited it, science, but it really comes down to selfishness.  We all have it to one degree or another. It is important for us to forgive, and forget so we can move on.  I am sure I write this blog to some degree of selfishness, however, I hope this will help others as well.  The only way we can get rid of total selfishness is to die.  Without dying naturally we have to die to our self, and we can do that spiritually but that is something that must do on a daily basis. The only way we stop selfishness is to stop the blame game as well.   I recommend if you are struggling with anything to look into yourself first.  Also, look to God, he will help you out as well.  

Again I want to thank my family for each of you being who you are, and how much I deeply love each of you.

If you enjoy this blog past it on to others; if I am able to help one person than it is totally worth it.

Again Merry Christmas to all.


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