Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I have to say Jack is the best younger brother around; he is my best friend as well.  It did not begin that way. In the beginning he was annoying; my parents thought he was an angel and could do no wrong. Of course, they were misled. So as an older brother I took my job very seriously, and made him into the man he is today. By the way Anne, Leslie, Robby, Ian and Danny your welcome; I am sure Ian especially understands. Joking aside, he has turned into a great man. I know he is not perfect, just ask his kids. He has a really good job being a business consultant. Along with his Anne, they are able to send all his children to college; Leslie and Robby both graduated from Harvard University. Leslie is married to Daniel Rinehart, and teaching at University of Minnesota. Robby is going to Yale Law School, he will finish up in May 2015, which the same time Ian will graduate from Harvard. Last but not least Danny is spending this school year in Paris, France, He is having a really good time, and he will attend Harvard starting in the fall of 2014. He will have Ian there for one year to guide him , and give his experience. As you can see there is a trend there. Both Jack and Anne met, and graduated from Harvard as well. Besides being very smart, each of the children has their own talents, and each carving out their own way. I would say I am not really into the smart game but Jack and I relate in other ways especially coming to sports. We talk each Saturday by phone; finding out how our week went, and how the family is doing.
I believe having a sibling being your best friend (next to their spouse) is very important because you know that when you need someone, you know they will be there. Again there is nothing like being a big brother.

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