Sunday, April 13, 2014


I have written about family before; the most important thing in our lives is our family. However, the problem is that we don’t have control over the family we are born into.  We can either be born into a really good family, or very bad family.  In fact, because marriages into divorce about 50% percent of the time means that we likely have been born into a bad family 50 percent of the time.  I don’t really think it works that way.  The reason I say that is I have cousins that have been divorced but family still seems to be good anyway. My opinion is if you turn out fine than your family must be good. Of course, that is not always true.  Some people are able to overcome family situations as well.

I am not saying all this because I am an expert by any means, but by observation only.  I remember growing up, and at school there were some kids that were good, but their siblings were not so good.  Hopefully, the bad kids matured in adulthood, and are fine now. Also, the good ones stayed that way.

They say the odds are most likely if your parents are alcoholics most likely you will be one to, but I think people can overcome those things. It may take some work, and they must make the decision to do so. At the beginning of the year I wrote about being champions, and us working on it.  I find that it is not always easy to overcome our weaknesses but it can be done.  I know myself I am still working on them. It is so easy to live your life the same way even if you want to change things. It is like an athlete become the best, or if you have a craft you want to get better at as well.

I am blessed to be born into a wonderful and loving family. It is not a perfect family by any means but I know each would be there if I need them.  What I miss most is that my sister and my brother’s families are on the east coast, however, when we do get together it is very special. I do know some friends that are very blessed where they are close to their families, and see them a lot.

If you come from a family that is not so good or close make every effort to change. You may have many friends, but your family is very special, and no one is more like them.  Remember they will not always be around, and you don’t want to regret your loss of them.  Friends may come and go, but you will always have family.

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